1: New House

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I open the door to my car as I get out, looking at my house. Not that big, but it's perfect for me. I get out of my car and look at the house more. It's colored light blue, with some windows that are a little dirty, nothing I can't clean up, and a welcoming entrance. I take the house keys out of my pocket as I walk to the front door, looking around while I do it. When I get to the door, I insert the key in the lock and Click! I open the door and see what was in the photos I got. A living room with a open kitchen, 2 Doors most likely leading to a bathroom and a bedroom, and a basement to the right. Very Welcoming. I go back outside to get my belongings.


I sit down to watch TV since there is already cable installed in my house, when I hear a knock at the door. I get up and open the door to a man, about 30, with a suit on. This is the man that sold me the house.
"Good evening" the man says in a nice tone.
"Thanks, you too" I say back. I'm not a very social person but I can still communicate like a normal person.
"How do you like the house so far?" He says, looking inside and seeing all the boxes.
"Just how I thought it would be" I let out a smile.
"So just so you remember, about some problems, lik-"

"Like the hole in the bedroom wall? I got it taped up right now, would you like to come in?" I ask.

"Sure, of course" he says, slightly pushing his way past me. Immediately after he comes in, he walks down to the basement. I decide to follow him to see what he's doing.

"Sorry, I came because I forgot to get something down here" He laughs.

"Oh, like what?"

"Just some old antiques"

"Interesting, do you mind if I see some of them?"

"Oh of course, just hold on, this will take me a minute or two" he says, going into this pile of extra stuff he'd say would be here.

"Alright, I'll go upstairs to make some tea" I say, while I start to walk upstairs.

"Alright, thanks"


About 5 minutes after I come upstairs, he comes up with his box.
"Hey, sorry it took longer than expected" he says, looking at this small, metallic dog that was in the box.

"Hey, no problem. Here, have a glass of tea"

"Thanks" he sets down the box and takes a sip from the glass I had previously poured for him.
"So, it's pretty easy to tell that you're not from here" He says, looking straight at me.

"No sir, from Alabama. It's hard to get a good job here in Florida" I chuckle.

"Yeah. Well, im gonna go" he says.

"Alright, bye"



don't believe him one bit. I walk down the stairs to where the pile was at. It did look scavenged through, but I don't think it was for the same reason he told me. So I start looking through it.
There was normal stuff, like extra clothes and accessories, but then I found something. It was a small ball, it was made of metal with carvings on it. I look at it closely, when it starts glowing. I drop it in shock and run upstairs.
Not knowing what it was, my immediate solution was to call 911, so I did. I dialed it and waited.

"911, What's your emerg-" Out of nowhere, my phone turns off. I try turning it on again until I realize. The ball was in the air, next to me.

(I might continue this story, I'm not sure. I'm a little new to story writing. I'd love some feedback, Thanks)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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