Welcome Back

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Lauren's p.o.v
After about an eight hour drive, Lauren makes it back to her home away from home: UNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The summer seemed to drag since she was away from all of her college friends, but as she pulls up to her apartment, she feels like she is home again where she belongs.

Knocking on her car window breaks her out of her trance causing her to jump, startled. Once she sees it's her best friend, Sam, Lauren squeal in excitement, parking her car. She quickly hops out of the car, hugging her best friend as tightly as she humanly possible.

"I missed you so much Sam, please never leave me for that long ever again," Lauren smiled holding the door open to the apartment building, allowing Sam to carry her box inside.
Sam was in New York all summer visiting family, so the two weren't able to see each other.

"Girl, we have so much to do before the party tonight," Sam says as they get in the elevator.

"Sam, shouldn't we spend the first night or two sorting out our apartment? I mean we have to unpack our stuff let alone figure out all of our furniture. Can't wait hold off on the partying until school starts?" Lauren asks as they walk down the hall to their apartment.

Sam rolls her eyes and drops her box as she searches for her keys in her Tory Burch purse. "Oh come on Lauren. You know as soon as school starts you'll be buried in your studies and books. We need to have some fun before the school year actually starts," Sam says finally finding her keys and unlocking their front door.

The apartment was simple yet spacious. When they walked in, there was a nice kitchen with an island that looked out over the nice open living room. On either side of the living room were two little hallways that led to their separate rooms.

"Fine fine," Lauren sighs giving in to her best friend yet again, "But this semester is really big for me and-"

"Yeah, yeah you're applying to nursing school, and you have to get in or I'm going to live alone next year. I got it Lauren, but news flash, you're going to get in, okay? They'd be dumb not to accept you," Sam says as she starts unpacking kitchen supplies.

Lauren was an amazing student. Receiving only one B in her first semester of college, she did have a very competitive GPA for the nursing program, but she knew she needed to still focus and keep up the hard work this semester.

"Samantha! It is so great to see you again!" Lauren's mom, Cindy, cheers as she walks into the apartment followed by Lauren's dad, Mark. Cindy pulls Sam into a warm hug squeezing her tight.

"We will drop everything off and get out of you too young ladies' hair. We don't want to overstay our visit, right Mark?" Lauren's mom says trying not to get teary eyed. Lauren smiled hugging both her mom and dad tight.

"I'm going to be just fine Mom don't worry," Lauren encouraged, "You know I will be."

"You're just our little girl, Lauren," her dad smiles kissing the top of her head, "Plus I'm sure we will be up here a few times throughout the year for alumni events."

Lauren's parents met during their freshman year of college here at UNC. They met at the beginning, fell in love during, and married straight out of college; the perfect love story if you were to ask Lauren.

Lauren and her parents took multiple trips back and forth from the cars to the apartment, unloading all of Lauren's stuff.

"Alright, I think that's it," Lauren says grabbing the last box before closing the trunk of her 2010 Ford Explorer.

Her parents both hug her tight. "Be safe, and call us if you ever need anything or just want to talk," her mom says kissing her cheek.

"Love you Hot Shot," her dad says giving her a big smile as the two of them get in their cars to head back to Georgia. Sam comes down, and Lauren and her wave goodbye as Lauren's parents drive off.

"Okay so now the big question is what are you wearing to the party?" Sam asks pulling Lauren back inside. Lauren laughs, rolling her eyes as they head into their apartment that is filled with boxes.

"Sam, I literally don't know where my clothes are hiding in these boxes," Lauren huffs, overwhelmed by all that needs to be done that she knew won't be done until after the first week of classes.

"Don't worry about it, just borrow some of my clothes. It's a good thing we are the same sizes in practically everything," Sam says digging through one of her many suitcases.

*a few hours later*

Sam's p.o.v
"So where's this party anyway?" Lauren asks as they both get ready in Sam's bathroom. Sam watches as Lauren curls her beautiful blonde hair to perfection.

"Oh you know just one of the frat houses, nothing too crazy," Sam smiles, placing finishing touches of her mascara on, "Plus rumor has it a special someone is going to be there" Sam says excitedly.

Lauren stops what she's doing and looks at Sam. "Who are you talking about?" she asks genuinely confused.

"That baseball player!" Sam yells excitedly, "The super hot one from Texas. His name's Cameron. He's a sophomore like us and-"

"Oh my gosh why is every girl gawking over this guy?! Girls are worshipping his at his feet when he is nothing special. I'm sure he's a giant tool like the majority of male athletes," Lauren says not even putting two thoughts into him, "His ego probably couldn't even successfully fit into this apartment."

Samantha rolls her eyes ignoring Lauren. "Anyway, he's most likely going to be there with a few guys on the team. And so what if he's a jerk? He's still hot to look at," Sam says winking at Lauren in the mirror before walking off to find her shoes, "Now hurry and finish up your hair! We are leaving in ten."

As Sam walks into the kitchen grabbing her purse, she can't help but feel as though this was going to be a year both Lauren and her would never forget.

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