I missed a step

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When people asked what is wrong with you, you simply can't answer it because you don't know what is wrong with you.

When people can't understand you, they can't understand your feeling.

When people mad at you, they hate you.

When people point their finger at you, they want you to be perfect.

When you are a good daughter that always listen to her parents, a good student with average grades,a good friends, a good girl and then you fucked up. You feel guilty.

Deep down in your heart, you know you are not this kind of person who have done something bad. You drink with your friends. You having a good time with your friends. You spent your time with good people but you can't seem to figure it out what make them think that you have done something bad.

You no longer their good daugther and sister. You no longer what they expect you to be. You no longer who you used to be.

You sorry. There is nothing you can do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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