Harry Styles, medicine for a broken heart<3

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Hey guys I hope you like my fanfic, we all know we have a soft spot for hazza, so please enjoy and comment<3 sorry if I make any spelling errors..

Background info:

Hey I'm shana, I'm 19 years old, I live in London , with my acholic father, my mother left when I was younger because of the violence and I havnt seen her since, my dad blames it all on me.. I can't wait to leave school and get out of this crappy place..

Shanas POV:

Ever since mum left, me and dad have never seen eye to eye, according to dad I was the reason that she left, shortly after mum left dad started drinking. He was very violent towards me

'shana! Is my dinner ready!!'

'not yet' I said with a shaky voice, what he did next I knew was coming..

'get in here NOW!' I enter the room with my head down,

'what time did I say I wanted my dinner!!?'

'errrrm 6?'


'Uhhh 6:15?'

'if I say I want my dinner at 6 than I expect it to be ready at 6, No wonder your mum left'

He picks up his half empty beer bottle and smashes it across my arm. I can instantly feel a sharp pain coming from my arm, I Look down and it's bleeding.

'what the f***k dad!'

' don't you say that to me missy, now clean up that mess!!'

'NO clean it up yourself I'm over it, IM OVER YOU!!' I begin to walk away when he suddenly grabs my bleeding arm.

'CLEAN IT UP NOW!, don't you dare think about walking away from me!!'

'too bad' I yank my arm out of his strong grip and run up to my bedroom and slam my bedroom door shut. I wrap an old t-shirt around my arm then make a run for it to the front door.

'where do you think your going' dad says appearing from the lounge and walking towards me.

'leave me alone don't touch me, I hate you!!'

' don't talk to me like that and your not leaving!!!!'


'because I'll do this...!!'

Suddenly i feel him slap me across the face..

I step back and start to cry.

He steps forward indicating that he's sorry.

' DON'T TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN, I HATE YOU!!' I yell as i run out of the house, down the pathway and onto the street. 'nice going shana' i say to myself. I have no money , no clothes and no where to go. I sit down on a seat near a bar, put my face into my hands and start crying. After about 5 minuets I feel a warm touch on my back making me frightened, I quickly get up off the seat and thats when I see..

Cliffhanger moment... Sorry guys I will upload in the next couple of days.. This was a short chapter but the next one will be longer, I promise ;D (p.s you can follow me on twitter @Love_Life65 and add me on kik oshanastyles ... Much love xox

Harry Styles, medicine for a broken heart&lt;3Where stories live. Discover now