Day 15

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Dear Diary,

It has been 15 days and I have done 15 murders till now, Its depressing how this world does nothing to stop me...I mean I have done all this to stop.....TO STOP!!

I have no idea why I killed a 3 year old today by taking out his heart with my bare hands...I thought I could provoke anger in them....those heartless I just decided to take out the heart of that 3 year old to show them what they are missing...but all they did was cry on his funeral......WEIRD RIGHT?

I mean like seriously no one wants to stop this...try to find the killer of that 3 year old?! I am trying so hard to kill people since Day 1 but no one seems to care....well no worries i guess I will have to keep on trying to EVOKE ANGER!!

Dear Diary, The only reason I am doing this is because of the events I mentioned in Day 1..I am sick and tired of all this....I will continue to Murder people brutally till there is no change. I have a several plans that I am desperately dying to use on these soulless people. I will bring a change, I will show the world that they need to prepare for a war that is soon to come. I thought they would take action against 15 murders in 15 days but now i guess its time to increase the limits of the murders done in a day. If this does not work then I have planned something that no one would be alive to see. This world will face a blow,  that they never have had seen in their lives. And all the thanks would be given to the ungrateful, soulless , weaklings. I will be worst villain in the history of the universe. And if you think i will regret all this Dear Diary, than you are wrong. You see I am a hero who is just doing bad things to do good. Am I right? or Am I RIGHT?!!. The bad ones are actually the innocent-looking people. I will not stop till THEY realize THEIR mistakes...and by the time they do it would be too late. 

Yours Truly,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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