Off Course

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       Disclaimer: i own absolutely nothing expect the plot to this story and my will to go down with my rose/doctor ship

          “Doctor, are you sure this is safe?” Rory Williams asked. Said Doctor was dashing around the counsel of the TARDIS, pressing buttons and twisting doodads.

          “Of course it’s safe Rory! Would I ever bring you somewhere dangerous?” he asks. At the dubious look Rory gives him he adds a surly

          “Well alright, yes. But never on purpose!” he stops his erratic movements around the TARDIS and leans against one of the railing.

          “Oi, just what do you think you’re doing? I’ve just been bustled out of bed because of the rocking of this ship. What have I told you about trying to park while I’m still asleep?” a voice says from one of the many, many hallways leading out of the main counsel room.

          Soon a redhead with scathing looks to spare comes into view and props her hand on her hip.

          “Hello Amy! We were just gonna go for a quick stop in 1921 America. Those patriots sure do know how to throw a party.” The Doctor explains. He starts his motions again and the ship rocks.

          Rory grips onto the railing closest to him while Amy grabs the doorframe to keep steady.

          “But didn’t America have a bunch of riots and civil movements during the 20’s?” Amy asks. At Rory’s look of disbelief she says

          “Romans may have been my favorite, but I can always go for a good American snog.”

          She lets out a chuckle at Rory’s stuttered response. She walks down the steps and stands next to the counsel. The ship rocks again and she grips it to stay upright.

          “Woah, what was that?” Rory asks. The Doctor pulls down his small screen and pulls a knob.      

          “I don’t really know. We might’ve hit a bit of a speed bump.” He says, staring at whatever readings that show up on the screen. He flips a switch and the TARDIS rocks again.

          “A speed bump in the middle of space?” Amy asks.

          “Well, I say a speed bump, but it’s more of a rift in time. We must have passed over it on our way to the twenties.” The Doctor explains. He shoves the screen back into place and rushes to the other side to pull another knob.

          “A rift?” Rory asks.    

          “Oh nothing to worry about. The biggest problem it could pose is knocking us off course. But I’ve made sure we end up in the right place.” The Doctor says.  The TARDIS gives one last, great shake signifying their landing.

          “Outside that door is the Summer of 1921, New York city, New York, United States of America. Want to go take a peek?” The Doctor asks, leaning against the counsel again. Amy grins at him before taking Rory’s hand and pulling him out of the ship.

          Before the door closes Amy calls a “We’ll be back in a while” over her shoulder.

          As soon as the door is shut, the Doctor’s grin vanishes. He walks back over to the screen and pulls it back down.

          “Alright, you beautiful girl. What is it that upset you enough to jump off course?” he twists a few more knobs and switches a few levers, and then he’s back in the time vortex.


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