March 12 1547 was the night that I got rich.And that night I executed 62 people.I am going to tell you all of what happened that night but first I'm gonna tell you the beginning first.I started my career February 12 1545.
I was lying in my house one night when I heard someone yell
"Executioner job for hire",said someone.
I ran out of my out of my house.He gave me a battle axe and he told me where to go and I went to city hall and they told me to cut off his head I slowly lifted the axe,I let the axe drop and thwack the axe went.His head fell in the bucket blood filled it.I took the job permanently. Almost every night I would have to execute someone.Until o got so rich I didn't have to do it anymore.That night I felt happiness I don't know why but its my thing now...