A new married couple is experiencing their new life with their first child named, (y/n). The couple wanted nothing more than letting their child be in a safe and relaxing place, room to play and many more activities. So, they decided the country side, a house and a large field. As they finally reach their new home, they see a large space between the house and the forest surrounding it. One look at it and the child grew very fond of her new home and couldn't wait explore. As the couple was setting down their belongings, the child grab her (f/t) and explore around the house, inside and out. Thinking that there are probably some hidden treasures, but instead she sees many places where she can play with her dolls and found a swing set attach to the tree. It was a beautiful place especially how the sun greeted them with such a warm embrace. The couple knew they pick the best place, and for more to come.
Days past and the child was sent to school, some kids greeted her with kindness and some... was not. Due to their age, some kids believe power, and likes to take advantage to new comers kindness. Leaving (y/n) feel a bit alone, but some kids played with her, and thought the bullies had no effect. So it went along well, she didn't had a lot of trouble, her friends played with her and her dolls everyday during school. But when it was time to go home, that is when she felt alone especially the weekends, she could go to her friends house, but they lived far and since they only have one car, her dad use for work while her mother is cleaning or preparing their meals. So the child plays outside under the umbrella to hide away the sun and sat on a blanket to keep herself clean so her mother wouldn't get upset about the mess. So she played and played, dressing up all her dolls. But she knew she is growing tired playing alone and needed someone to play with, her mother is always busy and her father is at work. She sign as she placed her doll down and looked up and observe her surroundings finding something to entertain herself with. But no luck, she always did grow curious about the forest, so she decided that today is the day to explore new grounds. She grab her doll ran happily towards the woods, hopefully maybe there are neighbors maybe kids too. She walk past bush from bush and tree by tree, finding a small stream, sparkled by the sun like little stars. She walk above it with a broken down tree and successfully made to the other side. The forest was beautiful, no threat went past her mind as she smile at every little thing that looked pretty.
As she kept walking she suddenly heard a voice, at a situation like this some would rather run then stay and see but in her case, she needed a friend and if there were someone there it wouldn't hurt to just say hello. As a child she didn't know that there were bad people, so far everyone was nice to her, well except the bullies of course. As she walked closer and closer to the source she found a boy, well no the same age as her but maybe a teenager. He wore everything black, a shirt, pants and shoes, tho she couldn't see his face, he was crunching down and fidgeting the dirt. The child stepped out from the bush and greeted the kid, "hello there" as she give a warm smile. The kid then turn his face around revealing go no facial expression, in fact he had no eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. The girl notice this change but show no shock or fear to express, she kept that smile like nothing strange happen. The kid said nothing but rose from the ground to show his entire body, strangely tall and slender body feature. He walked towards her and hovered over her, excepted her to show fear and run back to her home but she did no such thing and that's when he tilted his head and then he asked, "aren't you afraid of me?" The girl gave a puzzled look, "afraid of you? No why? Should I be?" she didn't had any reason to be afraid, he's young what harm could he done, she thought that maybe he needed a friend, all kids needed one. The kid stand back a little as if he was going to turn back, he stood there silent, couldn't believe what he was hearing. All humans was afraid of him or better yet hated him, he never had anyone kind to him except from his brothers. Since they all look different from the society they had to hid in the woods, somewhere no one lived in. The house where the little girl lived in, been empty for a very long time, seeing her here, was very surprising. Before anything happened the girl spoke, "do you want to be friends? I could really want someone to play with me" she expresses her adorable and innocent eyes to him, its a face that no one could say no to, the girl reached out her hand to him, the kid hesitated for a moment and nodded as he reached his hand, they held them together and played until the sun come down.
When the sun finally set, the two friends held hands and made their way out the forest, they reached the end and see the light from her house. Before she left, she never heard him say his name, "hey, what was your name again?" while her face look curious. They let go their hands and kid stood there silent for a moment then he responded, " its... slenderman" the girl heard it perfectly clear and gave out her big smile, "okay slenderman, I see you soon okay, bye!" she ran towards her house as she waved him goodbye and the kid waved back.
Days turn into weeks then months, (y/n) and slenderman had been playing almost every weekend and eventually, she met his brothers, offenderman, trenderman, splendorman and tenderman. The names was quite strange to (y/n), like why does their names has to end with 'man' maybe is something that they will grow into. Though, it didn't change how they treat each other. But she was glad that she had more friends to played with, the brothers were also glad that they had a new friend. Being alone with brothers in a big forest and feeling hatred was a big change to them, and they didn't want no harm come to their friend. But when it was time for (y/n) to come home she always tell her parents about her knew friends. At first, parents thought of it as just imaginary friends, but days went by and they grew more scared then curious, especially since their child been drawing them, six tall men, one man with a face, the other with just a mouth and the rest no face. Theses "friends" seemed like monsters, if they were some imagination it would been fine, but (y/n) been telling them the fun times, like all her stories were true. They are afraid that these 'friends' would harm her or stalk her in her sleep, whatever it is they didn't want to stay here any longer knowing they are not alone. So they plan their date to leave.
The day came, the parents packed their belongings in the big truck. The child didn't know whats happening until it was to late, before she knew it she was in the car. She was quite confused as to why they were taken up all of their belongings as if... if they were moving to a new place, "mom, dad, are we moving!?" she was scared, fearing that she will never see her friends again, they promised. "Yes we are, this new place is so nice your going to love it" her mother responded, "but I don't want a new home, like this place better, I didn't get to say goodbye to my friends" she started to feel a tear moving slowly down her cheek. "(y/n) theses 'friends' you mention, are nothing more than your imagination just forget about them" her father said as he turn his wheel to the left turn. She knew her friends were real but hearing her family didn't believe her made her heart ache. More tears came as she looked at the woods hoping she will seen them so that she could wave her last goodbye. But no, so sit back on her seat and cried more quietly.
Little did she knew, the brothers did see her leave, but they know what would happen if they leave the woods. So all they could do was to stay, the brothers were sad, hugging each other for comfort knowing that their one and only friend was gone. Everyone was sad except for slenderman who grew angry and knowing that humans pulled the last straw. Taken everything from them, their parents, their home, and the only person who wanted to be their friend. His anger turn to hatred, and wanted to rip those people who took away his precious into pieces. But he knew given to his state, he was weak, all of them were, they needed to grow stronger, make their appearance look more like they can be taken seriously and find her. Slenderman knew that the rest wouldn't agree to his plan, they were all to soft, they were kind and generous, taken the influence from (y/n), so his guess was that he need it to do it on his own. He came back to her home, wanted to see whats left, probably nothing but it couldn't hurt to see. As he search around the house, he noticed a piece of paper laying on the floor, he picked it up and see the name or like a half information of address. He knew that its the place where he and his brothers must go, it was dark out as he went out to the front were he can see the trash can, he than notice eight crumbled paper stacked up the top of the trash. He grab one and saw a picture on what (y/n) drew, he held on it tightly and promised himself that he will find her.

The love of the slender brothers
RomanceThis a story on reader x slender brothers (sort of) I've wanted to share a story that I've been keeping for a long while. I wanted to create a story with a meaning, so here is the result. Please comment if you guys want more thank you!