Down the hatch

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It was an hour before the signing, and ethan was very nervous. Brian was calm as usual, but because he had a plan in store. This was their 3rd indy Pop con together, but that still dosent make ethans nerves go away after doing these so many times. 

Brian: you ok dude? you look really nervous

ethan: yea im ok. Just spooked

brain: why is that?

ethan: i dont know.. I just had a really bad dream last night and I just hope it doesn't happen

brian: about?

ethan: ah its stupid. you would just be weirded out anyway

brian: ethan, im you're best friend. you can tell me anything! even if its stupid. thats why were friends!

ethan: promise not to be weired out?

brian: promise

ethan: ok

ethan: well.. I had a dream that you ate me

Brian looked suprised, and his face paled a little

brian: oh ethan! I would never! how would i be able to do that anyway? thats impossible!!

ethan: i know, its just always been a fear of mine to be eaten

brian: well, you better get over it soon, the signing starts in 15 minutes

ethan: i don't know if i'll ever get over the fear, but i need to start getting ready

Ethan went into the bathrooms, and after ethan was out of sight, brian pulled out a small glowing bottle. 

Brian: you better get real used to it soon egg boy! I'll be the star of this signing!

Brian poured the potion into ethans bottle of water that was sitting on the table backstage of the signing. the fans could be heard talking amongst themselves and saying references of the channels loudly

ethan comes back from the bathroom and ethan immediately takes a sip of his water. brian looks pleased with himself

ethan: why does my water taste funny?

brian smirked. ethan began to slowly get shorter. even shorter than brian

ethan: w-w-what the hell? im shrinking!!

brian laughed evily and teased him

brain: haha! now your shorter than me!

ethan stopped shrinking until he was about 3-4 inches tall. brian towered over him, and bend over on his knees to get a good look at him. brian gave ethan another smirk and grabbed him in a fist

ethan: brian! what are you doing?? please dont hurt me..

brian didn't say anything, and stuffed him into his shirt pocket fastly. a staff member walked by and told brian there was 10 minutes until the signing was about to start, and asked where ethan was. he replied

brian: ethan said he went to the bathroom about 5 minutes ago! he should be back at any minute

the staff member nodded and walked off. brian checked to see if there was anyone nearby and then took ethan out from his pocket. ethan was crying. he looked up at his ginourmous friend and begged him to change him back 

ethan: brian how could you?? i just told you this was my biggest fear! put me down! the signing starts soon!

brian didn't say a word, but lifted ethan close to his face, and opened his mouth. his large teeth filling ethan's view. ethan began to panic and squirm in brain's grasp

ethan: BRIAN NO-

ethan couldn't not finish his sentence before he was stuffed into brians mouth, his whole body being sucked in to his gaping maw. ethan struggled and cried out, hoping his friend would stop. brian took no chance of ethan escaping, and tilted his head back, and swallowed. he could feel ethan go down his throat and sighed in relief. 

the staff members couldn't find ethan, and they informed brian that he was nowhere to be found. Brian went onto the signing stage, and met everyone in line. People were confused as to why ethan was not there, but brian explained that nobody could find him, and was probably sick in his hotel room. Brian will miss his friend, but will always remember that ethan is now a part of him. 

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