The Demon of the Darkness

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There I was hiding from the scars of life. Under the thick blanket in my bed, my arms wrapped around my head, my body curled into a position so that all the sounds of hatred would be blocked and my frantic mind praying for the end of the war. I felt myself quivering from the top of my body to the bottom in fright, my eyes leaked hot salty tears as I laid in my bed like I was living dead and just hoped that the battle stopped that took place in the living room. It was my parent's fight again. I try my best every day to stop thinking about the things that go on in my life. I wonder when I will finally open a door to a smiling parents welcoming me with love and smiles on their faces. I want to see my Dad waiting for me outside the school like he used too and smell the delicious chicken that my Mum cooked for us as and have a happy family dinner all together and talk all night. I didn't know when I fell asleep as I was thinking about all the misery in my life.

I wake up in the morning and realized that the Christmas holidays were over. Great, another tragedy of my life begins. Today was my first day as a senior in St. California High school. As I was happy to leave the house I was also terrified to start the school again. I didn't want to start sitting in the toilets again, and sit in the corner of the class so that no one would come and talk to me. I only sit in the toilet so that people wouldn't come and snatch my lunch of me and throw it in the bin like it is rubbish. But, I just wanted to give them and myself another chance to prove that we could be a nice person if we wanted too so I wore my grey skirt, white shirt and braided my hair with a white ribbon on the top and wore my senior jersey which was maroon coloured that smelled like the pages of a new book, and had a school logo on the top-right of the jersey. I got out of the room expecting my parents were happy again and cooking breakfast but it seems that I was expecting too much. I saw broken glasses and plates crying for help and all the feathers inside crouch were dancing around the room. In one word the living room was a 'disaster'. But I didn't lose my hope and left for school.

When I stepped into the school I saw some mean girls just gawping at me like I had a spinach stuck in my teeth. Tina came to me with her minion, she is the meanest girl in the whole school. I tried my best not to act like I was scared but the butterflies in my stomach were racing. She came up to me and started to argue "Who the hell do you think you are?" "Don't you know that the ribbons are only for the cool kids not lame kids like you?" she verbalized while towing the ribbon out of my hair. I felt like saying "Excuse me, who do you think you are? You can't just take the ribbon out of my hair like that." But as usual, I was too scared and didn't say a word back. I didn't know what to do so I ran to the toilet with tears of shame in my eyes. I was too ashamed that people might talk about me when I go out so I stayed in the toilet the whole day. When the home bell rang I ran like a cheetah out of the toilet so that no one could see me.

When I came back home I saw my parents yelling at each other from the top their lungs and the house was still the same disaster as this morning. They didn't even care that their daughter came home with large swollen black eyes that were filled with water, instead of confronting her they were just screaming at each other like a crying hungry baby. I had enough of keeping my mouth sealed, it's time for me to speak up for myself. The words that I kept in myself for so long came out "STOP IT! I HAD ENOUGH! YOU GUYS ARE SCARING ME!" there was dreadful silence in the room, Mum and Dad froze and stared at me disbelievingly. I ran to my room and slammed the door before they could say anything. The tears in my eyes came out as fast as the waterfalls. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, all I could see was a dark demon laughing at my failure. It laughed louder and louder after every tear that came out of my eyes. My vision began to blur and I slammed against the door, fighting to stay alive. I could hear the faded screeching of my parents "Lilly, open the door please!" as they were desperately trying to pry open the locked door. For a moment, I fought with the demon that threatened to envelop me. My heart was slowly getting cold. I tried to keep my eyes open, trying to see the light of hope. Until a voice inside me spoke and said "let go!" so I did. I felt that coldness in my heart was getting warmer and I was slipping into calming peace as the door opened. I could feel the warm arm of my mother holding me and saw my Dad looking at me with dismay in his eyes. My Dad carried me to my bed and called 000.

When I opened my eye I saw that there was needle injected into my arm and I was surrounded by machines. When I tried getting out of the bed I saw my Mum and Dad laying on each other's shoulders against the sofa which made me so happy until they woke up a moment later. Dad helped me to lean against the bed and they both sat next to me.
"Are you okay?" Mum asked in concerned
"Yes! I am feeling better now." I said in a low tone voice.
"What happened?" Dad asked worryingly
"I honest don't know what happened! all I could remember was a demon that made me cry but it was ignoring my screams, I felt like it was stabbing my heart just to see me bleed of pain, it terrorized me and haunted my soul, I couldn't run away nor hide from it, it always found me where ever I tried to go." I explained with pain to them.
"Oh Honey, we are very sorry that we left you all alone in your darkest moment, we are really sorry that we couldn't be the parents that you through we were!" Mum said while hugging me and
Dad joined by saying "We promise that from this day we will be the best parents that anyone could ever have and promise to be with you very step of your life, my little pumpkin head!"
"Dad, don't call me that!" everyone laughed in the room.
There was a happing ending to my story because I fought as long as I could just with one percentage of hope that I will see the light and everything will be alright. I didn't run from the demon of the darkness but I fought and conquered the beast which helped me to find my light and peace.

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