Chapter 3 Ramlak rising

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Two kittens were looking through the stuff the lizards had gathered.

Meanwhile Lion-o, Tygra, Cheetara and Pumyra held a funeral pyre for Claudius.

"Rest well father may your next life show you peace." Tygra said.

Lion-o carved the Thundercats symbol in the statue. Lion-o had taken it pretty hard.

"Let's go before the lizard trail gets cold." Lion-o said.

"Lion-o we should focus on finding the book of omens." Tygra said.

"If it was either of us on that funeral Pyre father would do the same." Lion-o said.

So they headed out.

Two kittens came up. 

"Hey we thought we were the only cats left can we come along? We are looking for the city of El Dara," The boy kitten said.

"Never heard of it." Lion-o said. "And I don't want to baby sit." he said.

They continued on with traveling. 

"Look!" Wilykit said.

"I think we found the sand sea." Lion-o said.

"Food!" Wilykit said.

Soon they started to eat and found themselves captured.

"That bait was for the beast." a fishman said. "I am Koinelious Tunar," he said.

Then a monster attacked the ship.

"The beast is attacking." Tunar said.

Lion-o broke free and him and the other Thundercats began to help. The beast left.

"They are part of our crew and treat them as your own brothers," Tunar said.

"I have a bad feeling about this Tygra," Cheetara said. "Tygra?" she said.

Then saw Tygra with his head over the side of the boat throwing up.

Lion-o saw how full of rage and vengeance Tunar was. Lion-o felt angry about Thundera and his father. He thought it might be better to choose another path.

The creature Tunar called Ramlak attacked again. He was dragged down by the beast and Lion-o managed to killed the monster.

The fishmen got the water and home back.

"I'm sorry about your captain." Lion-o said.

"It was his own fault." the first mate said. "Now we can live in peace." he said.

"So what orders you have for you crew?" Cheetara asked Lion-o.

"Set course for the book of omens." Lion-o said.

"What about these two stowaways?" Tygra asked.

"I said I'm not going to baby sit but it's a good thing they proved they can take care of themselves." Lion-o said.

"Yes," The kittens said.

"Now let's go get that book." Lion-o said.

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