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          Standing on the edge of that cliff, he was not even a  yard away from the  waterfall that filled the fairy pools. "If one was to fall from here, what do you guys think are the survival chances?" he called out to his friends, he then slowly leaned forward with curiosity, hands tucked in hisvpockets, his posture was graceful yet it frightened his peers . His dark brown wild hair and black leather jacket flew with the wind, the hard wind wavered his elegance and the evening sun shone on his beautiful face, between those thick long eyelashes his blue eyes sparkled and a devlish  smirk crossed his lips when he heard his friends shouting, he was amused at the sight yet his face was completely calm which made the scene look like a painting. If one actually knew of the storm inside him, his calm expression would be questioned, And he realized as much.

        He turned around to look back, upon his friends, as much as he was amused by their expressions the thought of still wanting to reassure them that he had no intention whatsoever of doing whatever they were imagining and even if he did they had done nothing to desrve the direct sight occurred to him, for he knew exactly how devastating that very sight was. He opened his mouth to say something, something he now said very oftenly but it also grew harder to pronouce each time each time the words clotted his throat and he choked over them over and over again. He mustered up the courage to say it but soon realized how it would have quite the opposite effect,he reconcidered his words and as he did a mild memory and a sharp pain arose inside him causing him to close his eyes take in a huge sigh and a step backwards,  finally changing the fright on his peers expressions to an unexplainabale relif which he found rather amusing.

         All of his friends started nagging him about how dangerous it was or how he could have gotten hurt except one of them he didn't say a word he just sighed.  But he didn’t bother to think about their words twice . Funny enough what made him decide not to do something like this again was not the nagging but the silence.He could now understand how his actions were disappointing to his fellows.

        “I was not always like this ignorant or concited "the thought struck him as he moved towards a thick old tree" they are my friends afterall, friends I cared about and have spend most of my life with. They held an importance and especially to a person like me, who  came from another state and lived at a hostel ever since young, to a person like that the four people infront of me were like my family. No, that’s not right there is something missing... someone is missing , He is not here… why?”

        His head was filled and he was forced to think about the reasons of that person’s absence. Once again, he was reminded of the incident he hoped was a huge nightmare, the incident which nade him shiver though it was still unclear whether he shivered from the coldness brought by the absence of that person or the fright from the memories of that night.

         Everything from his friends to his hostel room and even his own self reminded him of that incident. His friends started shouting, which forced to him to shake back to reality and as he did he realized it was almost night time and he looked almost like a lunatic staring blankly at that tree. At a little distance from where he stood, one of his friends had fallen into the pool being the source of all that noise. Well everything else was in his head so the first priority was to "rescue" his friend. The pool was not deep, it did not even have that heavy flow. It was pretty steady actually but his friend did not come out and none of his friends were doing anything thus he realized he had been decided as the one to jump in the water,  so he went to help him. The water must have been freezing. He went down the slope to the side of the pool, where his friend was, he held out his hand in front of his friend and the next moment he was sitting beside his friend in the water. The water was freezing. He had been pulled in the water by the person he was "rescuing" and a moment later they were accompanied by the rest of the group. But rather than laughing and having fun in the water. Which was the normal thing to do he just smiled  to accompany the other boys' laughter which could be heard at even a distance.

          He was at a trip with his friends to the isle  of skye and as opposed to the joy and excitement of a trip, this trip was rather dull and quite. He considered it his last chance at being together with his life long friends, for now he had no intensions of staying any longer. They had gotten special leave from their institution and were staying at one of his friend's grandfather’s villa, so they were allowed to stay as long as they pleased. Though they had to be back for the final exams, well they had the approval letters from their families and Daniel's councler so the college had allowed it.

         Back at the villa they were staying at, the boys were still wet though most of their clothes had dried off or more like more like frozen up. The boys got busy drying themselves, but  he didnt bother doing it. At that time he noticed for the first time, in his three days stay, the huge amount of cracks in the walls of the villa. It was an old yet grand but well maintained building. Which made him ask alot of unexpected  questions to himself, as ridiculous as it was he couldn’t answer a single one of them.

           The utter silence in a room with 5 young men made no sense, but here it was.  A huge wall of ice, the boys kept starring at each other then  one of his friend attempted to break the ice but, as usual, he discouraged his friend’s attempt unintentionally and went back to his room. He jumped on his bed without taking his jacket off he was too tired to shower but he still got up turned on the side lamp then turned off the rooms main light since he was up anyway he prefferd taking his jacket and wet shirt off so he did and jumped right back at the bed, and tried to fall asleep. He tried but ofcource, was not successful. He brushed his hand through his hair and realized they were still wet and automatically sighed. "I can't sleep and have wet hair, just perfect".  

           Sleeping was not easy anymore and on top of all this his friends expressions botherd him, sleeping was now impossible that too with wet hair. Insomnia was one but ever since that incident he couldn’t sleep in the dark, he was too scared to.

          Out of the blue the lights went out and the boy who was too tired to even take a shower,  jumped up and took out his mobile but it fell from his shuddering hands, his hands searched the bed with desperation,  he was desperate as one would be desperate for air when drowning, then again he felt as if he was drowning in the darkness. He found it and managed to turn it on without loosing it again.

            Within 5 minutes the light came back on,the 5 minutes, 5 small, insignificant minutes forced him to rethink about what went wrong, why he had to live ,a life being scared of the dark. So he decided to just shower, maybe then fall asleep

         It had been a while since that incident and he thought time would heal everything but with the flow of time, his condition only worsened. All the beautiful memories had turned into a painfull past. One he wanted to forget but the desire to want to forget was his curse. So once again within the flash of a second all those incidents appeard infront of his eyes, once again he was tortured to the very bone.

Author's Note : Hey everyone, I've been working on this for a while, and would really appreciate it if you guys could provide your critique.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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