Chapter 1: The Moon Isnt So Far Away After All

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{Marah's POV}

I look up at the moon, I'm restless. It's so late at night yet insomnia and anxiety keeps me awake. I get to meet Taylor in less then twenty four hours, both a happy and scared thought. I've been waiting for this day for such a long time and I want nothing more then to hug him but, part of me worries that he won't like me once he see's me in person, which I know isn't true but the thought lingered at the back of my mind.

We've had our ups and downs but I still love him through and through. He's my moon, and I'm his sun. On Skype at night when I miss him, I look up at the moon and so does he. It makes me realize we aren't so far away after all.

It's June nineteenth, two am. I really need to get some sleep, I don't want to keep Taylor waiting too long once he arrives in Ohio.

This is really happening isn't it..
I guess some dreams do come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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