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"You've always been the strongest, bravest person I remember our first kiss? I'd give anything to kiss you one more time. You are everything good in me. And I love you."


The idea for this initially came when I was watching Krypton (which is fantastic, by the way) and the main character, Seg (who is actually Kara and Kal's grandfather), says the line shown above to Lyta, the woman he loves. Something about the dialogue just struck a chord in me and I found myself thinking about how applicable it could be to Kara and Mon-El. And then of course, the more I thought about it, the more that pieces started to come together until I decided that it really needed to be turned into a proper Karamel fanfiction.

The outcome is basically my canon-divergent headcanon of what I wish would happen in the season three finale of Supergirl. Anyone who's been following me on Twitter knows how disappointed I am in this season overall, so this was tough to write in the sense that I'm trying to work with canon, which is riddled with plot holes (I absolutely loathe plot holes) and plenty of out-of-character moments. So with that in mind, please note that I have taken plenty of liberties, especially in regards to character interactions, and I apologize profusely in advance for any plot holes that I was not able to address (there's just sooo many). However, I absolutely do not apologize for the large amount of MonLex brotp moments in this story. They are the most underrated brotp ever and the show never feeds me so this story is partly to satisfy my cravings. Feel free to come and cry about them with me on Twitter afterwards.

One other thing to note: I wasn't originally going to include Brainy or Imra in this fanfiction, but as the story went along, I realized that it would be best to include them a little bit for the story to make sense. I'm not a fan of them at all for so many reasons, but here's the thing: when you're writing a story, you have to prioritize the characters' stories above the plot you want (the Supergirl writers can't relate - #sorrynotsorry for the shade). So as much as I didn't want to include them in this story, it needed to be done for things to make sense on Mon-El's end.

Here are the main things you need to know for context:

- Because of the timing of when I started writing this, ignore canon after 3x14, unless I specify otherwise

- Mon-El did get his real suit back

- Kara found a way to stop the Worldkillers and save Sam, Julia, and Grace by appealing to their humanity (feel free to use your imagination cause otherwise I won't be specifying how in this fanfiction), but it didn't happen until the final battle so Brainy and Imra never left like they did in 3x18, they stuck around the whole time

- The Legion plot holes are the bane of my existence, so in my attempt to address those you'll find out that the Legion was lying to Mon-El about basically everything, including the ability to time travel (more details in the story)

- Kara accidentally found out about the arranged marriage when Brainy slipped up some time after 3x14

- Since I'm ignoring canon after 3x14, I will confirm that the Argo City/Alura storyline does not exist in this fanfiction; sorry, Alura is still very much dead

This fanfiction is specially dedicated to Opal, who has been a great friend to me since joining the Karamel fandom and who encouraged me to start watching Krypton in the first place, thus making this story possible, as well as my fellow MonLex fans.

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