Chapter 1

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I closed the book that I was reading called Forbidden Love by Liza Henry also known as my favourite author and placed it back on my bookshelf. I checked my bookshelf to see if all my books are organised the way it should be which is from the tallest to the shortest book. I don't know when this habit begun but it's not bad I suppose.


That's the sound of my alarm. I looked at it and saw that it was 7 in the morning. Time to get ready for school. A new school year has begun. I'm currently in my second year of high school. I walked towards the shower and got ready for school. After I was done, I stepped out of the shower and went over to my mirror. I inspected my uniform from top to bottom to check if I had worn all of my uniform which are a the school tie, school nametag and all the other typical things that come with the uniform like a skirt.

Then, I headed down the stairs for some breakfast. The smell of pancakes filled the air. "Delicious" I thought. I finally reached the dining table and sat down on the chair. Dining on breakfast across from me was my older brother Ben. He looked really hungry since he's stuffing all of the pancakes into his mouth. "That's quite typical of him" I thought while smiling. Suddenly a plate on pancakes was placed in front of my by my mom. "Thanks." I said to my mom while sweetly smiling.

I spread some butter before pouring some got maple syrup onto the pancakes. The steam from the hot pancakes wafted throughout the air. I inhaled it and it smelled so good I couldn't hold my hunger in anymore. I did exactly as my brother did. I stuffed it all into my mouth. After finishing up, I checked the time on my watch. 7:30 in the morning. Time to head for school. I got up and said goodbye to my parents and brother and went my way.

It was such a beautiful and sunny day today. The birds were chirping and the overall atmosphere was cheerful. Admittedly, the birds chirping was quite noisy but I ignored it. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder from behind. It was my good friend, Chloe. I should've expected it. After all, we always meet up at the intersection on the way to school everyday. I guess it has been a long time since I've seen her which was since the first day of the holidays. "Morning! How was the holidays for you?" she cheerfully asked.

"It was splendid! My family and I went to Japan for a while week over the holiday and we occasionally went to the park to have a picnic. It was so fun! How did you spend yours?" I asked in return.

"I didn't do much at all." she awkwardly laughed. "All I did was sleep and laze around all day. I t seems like you had such an eventful holiday. I'm so jealous!" she awkwardly laughed again.

Throughout the whole walk to school, we talked about the most random of things. As soon as we reached school, I was greeted by many of my classmates and several other students.

"Look who's popular." said Chloe while giving me a little smirk.

"No way, I'm not popular whatsoever. I'm actually really average." I said, trying to sound humble.

"Oh c'mon. You're known as the queen of this school. Last year you hanged out with the most popular guys in school. I was even there with you." said Chloe.

"Well whatever. We've already reached class." I said. I took my usual place which is at the last seat on the right of the 3rd row. Chloe sat next to me. I placed my school supplies on my desk while waiting for the teacher to come in.

Not too long afterwards, the homeroom teacher, miss Nancy came in. She took our class attendance and left after the first period was over. Now, it's second period. The English teacher, miss Rowand came. Already on the first day, she assigned us to write essays about anything during class. I took out my notebook and wrote out some ideas I had in mind. I quickly thought of writing a romance story between 2 teens. Romance, a typical genre that teens like to read including me. My favourite author, Liza Henry, wrote various romance novels and I've read every single one of it.

Not too long later, I begun writing. 30 minutes later, I finished writing my short romance story. I have a good feeling about it. I got up and handed my essay to the teacher for it to be graded. Then, I went to my seat and sat back down. I looked over to Chloe who was still writing. I wonder what's she's writing. Since she wasn't finish, I took out a novel by called Fallen Angel and read it.

Soon, the whole class handed in their essays. "Alright class, after grading your essays, I've picked the best essay out of the bunch which is Miss Emily Henderson." announced Miss Rowand. The whole class looked at me with a surprised reaction. I myself was surprised too. "Emily, can you please read your wonderful essay to the class?" asked the teacher.

"S-Sure." I replied. I took my essay and went back to my seat. I took a deep breath and began reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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