Sam and Dean walked into the motel they were renting while there father was out hunting. "Hey Sam, we should have some people over" Dean said to his brother "Sure, what ever Dean" Sam said as sat down on his bed, his back against the wall behind his bed. "You can have John come if you want" Dean said as he pulled out his phone and sent a group message to The Doctor, Hannah, and Gabriel. 'Hey if you guys want to come hang out for a while, we are free, and feel free to bring friends' he sent to them. Hannah was the first to respond, having her phone on her at all times because of hunting. 'I'll be over soon, I'm bringing Amy and Rory too' She sent to him. The Doctor responded next. 'I'll be there soon' he said. The last was from Gabriel 'Me and Cas will be there later, we need to get past my father, and Cas is going to bring one of his friends, his name is Sherlock I guess' Gabriel sent. Sam had his phone out too and was texting John. 'Hey, you wanna come over??' Sam sent 'Sure' John said 'Cool :)' Sam sent back. 'I'll be there in 30 minutes' john sent 'Cool, see you then' Sam said and closed his phone to get back to his reading. "John said he could come" Sam told his brother "Who did you invite?" Sam asked his brother "The Doctor, Hannah, and she is bringing Amy and Rory, they sat with us today, and Gabriel and Cas, and Cas is bringing his friend Sherlock" Dean told his brother.
After about half an hour people started showing up. Hannah showed up first with Amy and Rory. The Doctor drove up in his van a few minutes later, then about ten minutes later Gabriel and Cas showed up with Sherlock. John showed up about the time Gabriel, Cas, and Sherlock did. Everyone sat around talking for about an hour when they started to get bored. "Hey guys what if we play human capture the flag" Hannah said "How would we play that?" John asked. "It's simple, every man for themselves, but instead of getting peoples flags you grab people and bring them to your zone, once you are in a zone you are done, the person with the most people win" Sherlock explained "Yeah actually, we should head down to the school though, there is more room to run around" Hannah said. They all got up and as they walked alliances were formed.
They arrived at the school and they each chose where they wanted their zone to be. Hannah chose where the track meet the woods. Dean chose the center of the football field. Sam chose the small area near the side entrance of the school. Gabriel chose the front of the school. Cas chose down by the furthest soccer goal. The Doctor chose by the baseball field. Amy chose the student parking lot. Rory chose the teacher parking lot. John chose the center of the track, not knowing Hannah was near by. And Sherlock chose the back of the school where most of the stuff was thrown. Everyone signaled that they were ready and the game began. Hannah quietly snuck up behind John and grabbed him and pulled him, kicking and screaming, to her area. John was out of the Game. Sam wandered off from his area down toward the fields, he wasn't very quiet either and Dean grabbed him, putting his hand over his mouth. Sam bit Dean's hand and elbowed him in the gut and took off running, only to be grabbed again by Sherlock, who knew any weakness Sam had and used that to his advantage. Sherlock brought Sam back to his area, not knowing that he was being followed by Hannah. Hannah was grabbed around he waist and thrown over Gabriel's shoulder. He carried her back to his area. He put her down and ran off, returning a few minutes later with Cas. The Doctor was success in grabbing both Amy and Rory, leaving him, Dean, Sherlock, and Gabriel. None off them were able to get the others so they called the game, Gabriel and The Doctor both won with two each, Sherlock and Hannah were in second, and Dean, Amy, Rory, John, and Cas all had no one. They walked back to the motel to do something else.
"How about truth or dare" Dean suggested when they were back at the motel. "I'm in" Hannah said excitedly. "Me too" Gabriel said "I guess I'll play" Cas said "Count me in" The Doctor said waving his hand in the air. "I'll play too" Sam said. No one else volunteered to play so Dean, Sam, The Doctor, Hannah, Gabriel, and Cas all sat in a circle. "Who wants to start" Hannah asked "I will since the game was my idea" Dean said and he contemplated who to ask. "Hannah, truth or dare" Dean asked her after a minute. "Truth" she said not trusting Dean "Is there anyone you have ever had a crush on while dating Gabriel?" Dean asked her "Other than fictional characters, no" Hannah told Dean "Nerd" Dean called her "The proper term is actually a geek" Hannah told Dean "Whatever, it's your turn" Dean told her, rolling his eyes. Hannah smirked and turned to Gabriel. "Gabriel truth or dare?" Hannah asked him "Truth" He said "If you had the chance to leave your father forever would you take it?" Hannah "No, I could never leave my brothers and sister to deal with the wrath of him because he would take it out on them if I left" Gabriel said "Okay not the answer I was expecting but it is your turn" Hannah said to Gabriel, who thought for a minute then turned to his brother. "Cas truth or dare?" Gabriel asked his brother. "Dare" Cas said, Gabriel was grinning from ear to ear "I dare you to kiss Dean" Gabriel said, Cas and Deans faces were both bright red "Cas if you don't want to do that you don't have to" Hannah reassured him. Cas turned to Dean. "I'm only doing this because of the dare" Cas said and he kissed Dean. They kissed for a minute and when they broke apart Cas threw a pillow at his brother. Gabriel Jumped up with the pillow in his hand and shouted "Pillow fight".
They all grabbed pillows and started hitting each other. Being teens they hit quite hard too. People started to team up against the others. The groups ended up being Sam, Dean, and Cas, Hannah and Gabriel, Amy, Rory, and The Doctor, and Sherlock and John. "Gabriel duck" Hannah shouted. Gabriel ducked and Dean's pillow soared over Gabriel's head. Hannah threw her pillow at Dean, hitting him right in the face. Dean let out an oof and Gabriel took one of his pillows and hit him right in the stomach and threw the other one to Hannah. Sam and Cas came up to help Dean but were attacked by Sherlock and John so Hannah and Gabriel went for Amy, Rory, and The Doctor. The Pillow fight only lasted a few minutes but when it was over they were all super tiered.
The sat down on the couches and talked again. Dean went to the fridge and returned with some Beer. Hannah, Sherlock, John, Amy, The Doctor, and Cas all passed on having some and just drank some water. Around ten-ish they started to get hungry so they ordered some pizza and ate that. They all started heading out around twelve. John ended up spending the night. Amy and Rory went to The Doctors house. Gabriel and Cas went to spend the night at Hannah's house. Sherlock walked back to his house.
(I just want to give credit to my friend, she was the one who told me about this idea her and one of our friends had about a human capture the flag so I used it in my story, so I didn't want to take full credit for this brilliant idea)