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Boys. I guess boys don't have feelings. I guess they don't understand that heartbreak is real. I'm tired of being treated like this by boys.

Hi, I am Liana and I have depression. My mom thinks it's just a faze. Everyone thinks it's just a faze. It's not a faze and it hurts when you feel like no one cares.

Boys have always treated me like I'm nothing. They use me like I'm a toy then throw me away like I'm nothing. They call me names like a slut or a hoe. They spread rumors about me. I don't understand what I ever did to these boys to deserve this. Guess I'm not good enough.

The only thing that makes me feel better is music. To be specific, the band Why Don't We makes me feel better. There music makes me feel like there is always a light on the other side of the path. It helps me understand that even though what I'm going through is bad, it's only temporary.

The only reason that I haven't thought about suicide yet is because of my family and my soulmate. No, I haven't met my soulmate yet but I know he or she is out there somewhere waiting for me. I don't want to leave them because I feel like when I meet them it will get better. That I won't feel like a disappointment anymore. That maybe they will like me for who I am. But sadly I know that is not gonna happen

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