Yogwarts and the Philosopher's Stone: Prologue

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 Disclaimer: Not J.K Rowling. Not the Yogscast. Not anyone with any claims to anything you recognise.

A.N: Here is the prologue to a co authored ( hence italics and bold) fic we’re doing our best to write, but it is going to take about a million and two years (possibly more) so please be nice about that. This prologue is basically just a taste of what’s going on and we’ve put it up to see what interest there is in it (we’ll write it anyway) and to see if any of you lot have any ideas that you’d like us to include.

I’m leidineht and I’m CatherineKat so depending where you’re reading this, it’s on one or other of our accounts. Hope you enjoy! Please review, let us know your thoughts etc

Hope we put something up soonish,

CatherineKat and leidineht



Both the post and Hannah arrived downstairs early that morning. She’d woken long before Duncan, as she was prone to do, and had run down to put the letters on the table as usual. Oddly enough, there were two identical envelopes addressed to herself and to her brother. Their names and absurdly accurate addresses were stated in green ink. Hannah tore her’s open and out fell a letter, a couple of lists and a train ticket. Skimming the letter as she dashed up the stairs, she burst into Duncan’s room and hit the sleeping boy, none too gently, on the arm. 

“Meuurrrggghhh…” Duncan groaned into his pillow. “Eff off, I’m trying to sleep.”

“Watch your mouth, Duncan Rutherford-Jones! Anyway, you should really be up - the postman has already been and gone.”

 Duncan groaned louder and buried his head further into the pillow.

“Wake up, you idiot! There are important letters for us and no, they really can’t wait.”

 “What are they…?” Duncan was beginning to come round and his curiosity has been mildly piqued. He outstretched an arm for his letter, rolled over in bed and read it (squinting all the while as he couldn’t be bothered to retrieve his glasses from their place on his desk). When he had finished, he looked over at Hannah, “Guess we have something we’d better tell Mum and Dad then…”


 On the other side of Europe, a large tawny owl flew through an open window, narrowly missing the large purple drapes, into the eleven year old boy’s bedroom. The boy looked up and smiled a little at the bird as he took the letter from its talons, “Thanks, Teep.” He opened it slowly, fingers trembling slightly, as he wasn’t sure whether Hogwarts would accept him, him being only half British and living in Sweden. But he was also sure that he could never attend Durmstrang with its reputation for Dark Magic. The letter yielded what he had wished for, though, and the usually sombre boy had a smile at the edge of his lips as he padded swiftly down the winding basalt stairs to tell his parents the good news.


 It was an excited scream that woke Zoey’s parents on July 31st. Only, of course, they didn’t know it was an excited scream and rushed down the stairs to find their daughter, still clad in her mushroom pyjamas, rocking backward and forwards in front of the door, a slightly crumpled letter clutched tightly in her hands. Once they’d read the letter, her parents glanced at each other over Zoey’s head. Finally, all the odd “occurrences” made sense. The children who always treated her differently, the way she could always reach presents kept safely out of reach and sight, and the way furniture shook when she was particularly upset. Their minds were made up in that instant that she should go.

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