Chapter one - The assignment

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Marinette's POV

I woke up to the sound of Tikki yelling at me,

"Marinette! Get up! You're going to be late!"

I shot up out of my bed and changed into my casual grey jacket, white flowered shirt, pink jeans and tiny cream-coloured shoes. Before I knew it I was downstairs.

"Bye Mamma, Bye Papa! Love you!" I said breathlessly,

"Bye sweetie!" Mamma yelled after me.

Once I arrived at school Alya was there to greet me,

"Hey girl! Love your hair!" Alya told me cheerfully,

"Wha- Oh I was in such a rush and I forgot to-" Alya cut me off.

"I think it suits you girl! You should do it more often!"

Alya and I both walked in school unaware of Adrien staring at me the whole time

Third Person POV

Adrien stared at Marinette's long night blue hair as it flowed down her back,

"Dude, hey! Are you ok?" Nino asked taking Adrien out of his trance.

"U-uh yeah.. I'm fine!" Adrien said quickly

"I'm not convinced!" Nino said in a jolly manner

"Seriously, I'm fine!" Adrien insisted,

"Ok dude, if you say so, let's go inside then!" Nino suggested.

"Yeah, ok. Let's go." Adrien followed.

Both of them walked inside the tall brick building they called school, Collège Françoise Dupont to be exact. Marinette and Alya were already seated and everyone else too, Adrien and Nino took their seats and the lesson begun.

"Hello class! Today I have an assignment for you all and it's based on heroes! It can be something like Ladybug and Cat Noir.."

The class made quiet comments of admiration.

"...Or a hero in your life who has done something special for you! I have selected the partners for you!"

Half the class groan the other half rejoice at not having the pressure of picking someone placed on them.

"So they are..:

Ivan and Mylène,

Alix and Kim

Max and Juleka

Nathaniel and Sabrina

Rose and Chloe

And finally..

Alya and Nino!"

The class began discussing what they thought about their partner while Marinette realises that she and Adrien did not get a partner and goes to talk to Miss Bustier about it.

"Miss Bustier, me and Adrien didn't get a partner."

"Oh sorry," She apologized "You and Adrien can pair up then!"

"Oh, ok Miss!" Marinette walked away.

Marinette made her way to Adrien feeling slightly nervous to tell him, she pulled herself together and said,

"Hey, Adrien. W-we have been p-paired up for the project because we don't have p-partners" Marinette was happy she didn't stutter as much for once in her life.

"That's great," He smiled "I'll be over at your place later to work on it then?"

"Y-yeah sure!" She blurted out.

Adrien regrouped with Nino and Alya while everything sunk in for Marinette.

"Oh no, Tikki, I have to.. CLEAN MY ROOM!"


End of chapter one! Hope you enjoyed it! Look out for chapter two

The Adrienette Effect (~DISCONTINUED~)Where stories live. Discover now