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Ever since Hinata was a child, she was regarded highly in her clan.

The Hyuuga had high expectations for their Heiress, the pristine clan had the bloodline of air benders within them. Hinata first discovered her air bending abilities at the tender age of two, highly prodigal for any bender.

But what no one ever expected, was for Hinata to also bend water at the age of four. Her mother and father took her to a nearby lake when she discovered it, she was training with her father to walk on water using her chakra when she somehow controlled the water to her will.

Her parents were beyond proud, they may have given life to the newest avatar.

Soon, Hinata would find she had the ability to bend earth and conjure flames. And now, there was no denying it.

Hinata was the Avatar.

Hiashi immediately alerted the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. The Sandaime called a Kage summit and brought Hiashi along with Hinata to the Summit.

The other Kage were suspicious of a five year old already bending the four elements, that is, until Hinata ran around like the hyperactive five year old she was and about destroyed the room by throwing clumps of the earth, shooting out streams of fire from her palms, sending water bullets flying left and right, and riding around on a sphere of air.

Hinata was pampered, kept away from all harm until she was seventeen and sent on her first A-Rank mission. The young Heiress was excited to finally be out of the overly watchful eyes of her father, her mother had sadly passed away giving birth to Hinata's younger sister, Hanabi.

The little Avatar was over the moon, her, along with her teammates, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, and Yuhi Kurenai as their Sensei, were on their first A-Rank mission. The four were to escort a princess back to her home in the Land of Grass, her father, the Daimyō, knew there were many rogue ninja so he ordered for and A-Rank.

The mission was supposed to run smoothly.

Key words: supposed to.

The newest threat of the Five Great Nations, the Akatsuki, intercepted their path. Kurenai, a water bender and a Genjutsu specialist, quickly kicked into battle mode. Throwing water left and right while trying to put the pair in a Genjutsu.

Hinata grit her teeth, hating how she couldn't do anything. She told Kiba and Shino to guard the princess and joined the fight, "Sensei! Up!" Kurenai understood and jumped up, Hinata then separated the earth underneath the two members into two flat slabs and smashed the rocks together.

She then pulled water out of the trees surrounding them and mixed it with the dirt, creating a muddy substance. Hinata molded the two stones into a sphere with the(unmoving) members inside it, she made the earth sphere air tight and was about to use her fire to dry the mud when the sphere exploded, sending earth chunks flying everywhere.

She gasped as she saw she masked male bending the earth, his eyes were hunter green with a red sclera. His partner wore a crazed grin, his silver hair was slicked back and his amethyst eyes were full of bloodlust.

She made a move to send air bullets flying at them when suddenly her body began reacting on its own, she fell onto her ands and knees. She used every ounce of her strength to look up and see the silver haired male bending, she didn't see what until it hit her.

Blood bending.

The technique was forbidden among water benders unless it was in their blood lines, take the Nara clan for example.

Hinata was at a loss, she knew the earth bender was fighting her team, the explosions and shouts were enough to go off of, but she couldn't help them with the blood bender, "Who a-are you?!" Hinata choked out through strangled breaths.

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