iVe HaVe MaDe A hElL hOlE

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Ouma has made a chat


Shuichi has joined the chat

Shuichi:oh my god please no

PianoLover has joined the chat

PianoLover:what do you want from us Ouma?

DoRobotsHaveDicks:Jeez you always think I want some thing

LuminaryOfTheStars has joined the chat

LuminaryOfTheStars:well its true Ouma

Amami has joined the chat

Amami:so what do you want

DoRobotsHaveDicks:to answer the question....

Shuichi,PianoLover,LuminaryOfTheStars and Amami have left chat.

DoRobotsHaveDicks:you guy are no fun

Hope you like the story so far;3

I'Ve MaDe A hElL hOlE {A Dv3 Chatfic}Where stories live. Discover now