Chapter 1 - My Life

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Chapter 1 ~ My Life

"Ew look who's here," the popular girls laugh at me as Carly aka schools slut said to me.

And there it goes again.

Hi my names Ally, I'm 17, brown hair and blue eyes. I'm not pretty in fact I'm the ugliest thing you could ever see, and this just proves it.

"Carly," I nod my head at her. She laughs and pushes me up against the locker.

"Don't say my name. It doesn't deserve to be said by you," she laughed and walked away.

I walked to the bathroom because I wasn't in the mood to be in class. I looked up at myself in the mirror. Bruises were on my cheeks. Bags were under my eyes. What the hell happened to me?

The bell rang and I sighed. I didn't want to go to class so I just stayed a little longer, just staring at myself.

My eyes that once were so full of life is a dark shade now. My lips that once used to be in a smile was now in a frown. Maybe I deserve this pain.

I headed back to class, seeing as though I had no other choice, but my mind was set on something, something that occurred last night.

"Ah, Miss Carter, you finally decided to join us. Please take a seat," I looked at my seat in the front and saw that it was occupied.

Guess I'll have to sit in the back.

Walking back I heard whispers and laughs coming from Carly's group. Of course they would laugh at me.

"Class, Mr. Reece will now be joining this class this semester since he didn't like his other classes," Mr. Collen our art teacher announced. I zoned out after that.

Reece could only belong to one guy, and it was Drew Reece. The most hottest guy at school. He was rich and had the perfect life unlike me, but he was the bad boy.

I heard the door open and looked up to see Drew. All the girls sighed except me, I mean yeah he was hot but not sexy, okay maybe he is but I honestly couldn't care less.

I looked down and started drawing in my sketch book. The picture in front of me was a girl smoking a cigarette, with mascara traveling down her eyes. The girl was me.

"Please sit in the back next to Miss Carter, and get out your sketch book," Mr. Collen told Drew. I didn't look up, I just kept trying to get the right shade of gray on the sketch.

After a while I looked up and saw Drew staring at something on my lap. I looked down and saw it was my sketch.

"That's really good," he said, looking up and staring at me. Why is he talking to me? I feel glaring at my side and see Carly and her group glaring at me.

I decided to shut up because I wasn't gonna get another burnt mark from her. Mr. Collen was walking around checking our sketch and he stopped once he saw mine.

"Miss Carter this is an amazing piece of art. A little inappropriate but it still is good work," he said to me. I don't smile or say anything back.

The bell rang and I walked out of the classroom. The day passed and it was time for lunch. I was hungry but I couldn't eat. I was too fat so I decided to go up on the roof and smoke.

The cigarette was the only thing that made me feel alive. The smell of the smoke and the burning feeling that rushed through my body made me feel, but I know I'm dead. The girl I once used to be is dead. She won't ever come back, she's gone, and is replaced by a dark soul which is me.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the quietness for once in my life, being able to just breathe without getting bullied or beaten up.

"Hey, I thought I was the only person that came up here," I open my eyes to find Drew staring at me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Do you even speak?" he questioned me. My mouth couldn't move so I just drop the cigarette and walk away.

School goes on and thankfully I didn't see Drew.

I was in my room listening to Black Veil Brides when I heard my dad scream.

"Ally go to Uncle Sam and get more fucking cocaine," he yelled at me. I sighed and grabbed my special weapon and went downstairs.

"Fucking bitch. Go hurry up," he said and I ran before he could hit me.

Standing in a dark alley was boring. I waited for Uncle Sam to get here and he finally did.

"Ally, baby how are you?" he asked.

"Don't call me baby, I'm not a kid anymore. Now give me the cocaine," I exclaimed.

He smirked at me, pointing at Charles who was eye raping me. I took my gun out of my pocket and pointed it at his head.

"Give me the damn cocaine Sam," I said and he handed it to me but was still smirking.


New book babes. I just wanted to write this kind of book so yeah.

Just gonna tell you now, this book will contain a lot of stuff, like self-harming, depression, drugs, scars, suicide and yeah. If you don't like that then DONT READ IT.

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