The Darkest Depths | Chapter One

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Sonia was hidden, not well, but hidden. Her breath would only get heavier and louder as her eyes shut tight. She didn't have the strength to look. A trickle of blood flew over to her face as she tried to avoid opening her eyes. She could barely believe this was happening. Was this a simple nightmare? The blonde was still too scared to look. She was almost sick as she smelt the rotting flesh. Maki, the Ultimate Assassin, stood in front of her. "Sonia.." The brunette mumbled as she held out her hand. "P-Please- N-No-" Sonia stuttered as she opened her eyes. Everything was blurry. She stumbled to her feet and tried to reverse away, gaining her sight. Maki tried to warn her but the girl had already ran off. Maki turned to her side, looking at the body. She gently pulled the knife out the corpse and began running to shelter. 

Korekiyo was holding Angie's hand as the two walked, glancing around. Every corner of the street was filled with worrying people, stacking up for the upcoming events. Korekiyo sighed. Angie convinced him that Atua was by their side and Atua would help them overcome such a dark time, but the boy knew it was no use. Korekiyo stopped. There was a man with a large sign, clearly saying 'The End Is Near'. Korekiyo blinked lifelessly. It came as no surprise that this person was probably doing this for attention. Angie glanced over, gasping quietly. Korekiyo just thought his girlfriend genuinely believed this, that was until she spoke. "Atua has c-confirmed.." She stuttered almost silently as she tightened her grip on Korekiyo's hand. Korekiyo was dead silent as he looked down at her. Angie breathed heavily as she quickly turned and began darting back home, Korekiyo quickly following. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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