The Blood Kiss

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 Chapter 1 The Boy!    One Halloween night a girl named Crystal Root  went trick-or-treating for the night. "Trick-or-treat!'Crystal said at every door she went to. She was a vampire for Halloween. Then some random boy came over and asked..."Sup." "Oh nothing who are you?"Asked Crystal. "My name is John. Whats yours?" "Crystal..Wanna go trick-or-treating with me?" "Sure!" So they went to every door.. It was time to go home and sleep."Morning!!"Said Crystal in excitement. She went to John's house to hang. "That's funny!"Said John laughing. "Why do you have vampire teeth?..."Said Crystal shaking. "Oh i didn't tell you...I'm a vampire."Said John. Crystal ran off screaming and ran away. No one could find her..                          

People been searching everywhere and could not find her."I hate him."Crystal said talking to herself."CRYSTAL!!"Her mom found her in the mountains."Why did you run away?"Said Mom."John the boy i told you about..he's a vampire."Crystal said shivering. "Vampires aren't real!"Said Mom. "They are because he is a vampire!"Crystal said running away again. She went to John."John why didn't you tell me yesterday?"Said Crystal angry."Because i was afraid to tell you."Said John."Okay i forgive you."Said Crystal.

She went home and went to sleep."Morning Mom!"Said Crystal happily."Whats going on?"Said Mom."John is taking me to the movies!"Said Crystal running up stairs. She got dressed in a crystal dress and the crystals sparkled like ruby's!"Ready!"Said Crystal."Crystal where are you?"Said John at the door. She ran down stairs and hugged John."Ready lets go."Said Crystal. They watched a movie called "The Kiss" The middle of the movie...John bit her neck!The ambulance came and took her. She passed out! Two bites on her neck and the ambulance tried to sew it but its to strong to sew."Now she's mine!"Said John laughing in the movies."It's two strong she will be a vampire forever.. Crystal woke up."What happened?"Said Crystal sleepy."You got bit by a vampire."Said one of the paramedics."WHAT!?"Crystal said mad. Crystal ran off and went home covered the bites in a band aid."Mom..John bit me on my neck."Crystal said sadly."Go to bed its very late"Said Mom. She didn't believe Crystal. Crystal went in bed and fell asleep... But she floated in her sleep!

Chapter 2 Missing Mom!

"Morning."Said Crystal,she was perfect,still dressed,hair still good."Mom?Where are you?"Crystal's Mom wasn't home! She called her cell phone and she didn't answer."John must have her!"Said Crystal. She went to John's home. She knocked no one was home!"I should call nine one one!" She dialed and 911 didn't answer!"John?" She turned around and he was there! She turned invisible and John could not see her. She said "John where are my parents and if you don't tell me I'll get a pencil and stab it in your heart!" John said "Your Mom is dead! She got bit by a zombie! Its a Apocalypse!" Crystal ran in her house and locked the door and windows and hid in the closet. She heard a groan,A ZOMBIE! She was breathing fast,she was scared."No..."She said to herself whispering.

One week later......."John?"Said Crystal."Yes?"Said John "Would you like to date?" Crystal Asked."Sure!"Said John and there it was the Blood Kiss! They got married and had kids that was the love of the them!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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