I marry Liam a one direkshun. Storie

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I walked dawn I'd aisle and luked at Liam's bootiful fase. He smeared at me. He looked like he waned to masticate. I was waring a LNG wate drezz wid preddy makeup that may bich zanier did fo meeee an mah sexie uunderware 42nite wid Leeyum........ Cuz gess wet biches I'm marring leeiam todayeyyyy

So I was waking and singin a dog a wrut mahzelf leak dos

Give then blod blod gallons ov da stuf

Five them all dey cud drink italy vrner b enuff

And everyone in dig audience luved am vice an waned me two singgg at Deyre wedinzzz.

Den Leeyum stared two sng to.

Ur in a sewer

Don't now what f

U turn heds wen u wak n da dooooooor

And den a prest wax alllll kisss da bread

Kiam kissed meh........ ROGHT ON THE FACE LIPSSSSSSZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I was surprised cuz imma virgone

Nd we ad sexxxxx all night lawns


I marry Liam a one direkshun. StorieWhere stories live. Discover now