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—— In Space ——
- Nobody's POV -
Lance had a light blue pen. It wasn't a ordinary pen his mom had given it to him when he left for the Garrison. She had told to only uncap it if his life depended on it and he wondered what could possibly be under it. He remembered one time when he needed a pen he grabbed a dark blue pen but before he could uncap it his mom had snatched it up and given him a different one. He chuckled at the memory but it also reminded him of his family his mom, his younger brother Max, his youngest sister Elizabeth, and his younger sister Sofia. He wondered if he would ever need to uncap this pen. He also wondered why his mom would think he might be in that sort of situation. He recalled that he had left earth exactly two years ago and he wondered if he would ever see his family again.
—— At Camp Half-blood ——
- Nobody's POV-
Sofia sighed it was the two year anniversary of her family's death. Well except her godly dad and her brother Lance she was pretty sure Lance was alive her friend Nico had told he was not in Hell which was a good sign that meant her Lance was definitely alive but where in the world was he. She fiddled with her dark blue pen. She wondered if she would ever see him again. Sofia decided she should probably go to sleep.

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