The wind blowed fast and stroung in Romania but in a serten part it reached -50°C whitch was not normal at all it was two cold but two archeologist dumitru was the lead archioligest teaching constanin about the job since he just got out of school some one had to teach constanin dumitru was a signed this task and the task to researched this tower so thay whent over there and couldn't find a door so constanin asked "cum ajungem in"
And then dumitru asked"stii să vorbesti engleză"
And then constanin replied "da stiu cum sa vorbesc englaza domnule"
Dumitru agrivated as hell then turnd and sayd "apoi vorbeşte-mi dracu-mi arăți-mi că poți vorbi"
Constanin then stated nervously "Ok ok I can speak english see"
"Why do you whant me to speak english sir"
"Because I was raised Russian but born Romanian so I got a Romanian name but you see I'm not expecting you to speak Russian I would see you more nowing Italian or Greek ok constanin"
"Got it sir but can you quickly say some thing in Russian I really gust won't to her it you say it"
"Ok fine I'll say some thing chto nibuď "
"Can you please say a sentence....sir"
"Fine ya skazhų choto ty pridumaļ"
"Oh wow that sounded cool but what did you say "
"No need to worry kid"
"Oh ok so how will we get in"
"Are you up for climbing"
"Well I'm still on the ground"
"Ty nastoyashchiy grebanyy retard"
"Ce naiba spui domnule"
"English mother fucker do you speak it"
"Yes sir"
"Then get your skinny little ass up there before I throw you"
"Yes sir" with that thay started to climb up the tower and in to a small window that showed mountains of books then dumitru sayed"chart voz'mi, eto trakhayetsya, chto yebat'"
"Say what one more fucking time I dare you"
"O-Ok sir"
"There was that so hard to say"
"No sir it wasn't"
"Ok then now run cause the books are now flying at as"
"De ce aşa de calm față de acest domn!"
"Yebat' ty vot kak"as all the books slam in to constanin as he nearly falls out the window and he trys to grab on to dumitru but gust narrowly misses
Sorry if I butchered the none English lines and tell me if you whant the translations here or on another page but at least for this one must go to goggle I chect if I was right there so please for give me on the none English lines it will be much better if you know what there saying oh ya prepar for none English lines in prospective to and dose eny one hear now what the Brazilian language is cause I have zero fucking clue k see ya bye.
Frozen Nightmares
General Fictioncold abandoned tower full books of meny words sites alone with a single man as silent as can be not a single word spoken but a frakerd mind clear as day with sanity slowly melting away flowing into oceans of madness that can never be drained but tw...