Part 1

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City lights and the sounds of cars passing by is what the young 20 year old woman is greeted by as she walks out of the airport. Looking for a new start, Tiffany Hwang decides to move to her home country for a while. Following the death of her mother her father became distant, he became almost lifeless, he wasn't the warm man Tiffany knew and grew up with. He never looked directly at Tiffany or her siblings for almost a year until he suddenly told them all to leave.

They all went to different parts of the world, Tiffany going to furthest away, while her brother and sister moved to other states she moved across the world. She did expect to find anything here. Maybe a significant other but she really doesn't expect relationships to last long.

Getting in her cab she tells driver to get to her friends apartment. Jessica was her name. The two girls grew up together, always by each other's side. You didn't get Tiffany without Jessica. It wasn't until 2014, September to be exact, when Jessica told Tiffany that she was moving to South Korea. Tiffany of course being the overly dramatic best friend cried and cried until the day came.

Arriving at the apartment building Tiffany got out her suit cases and went up to the door. Buzzing room 208 and waiting. Soon enough someone answered.

"Hello?" A feminine voice rang through Tiffany's ears.

"Sica? Is that you?" Tiffany asked.

"Tiff? Oh my god! You're here!" A scream came from the other side of the buzzer. "Hold up let me open the door for you."

The door made a loud buzzing noise and Tiffany opened the door and went to the elevator. As the doors were closing a hand suddenly grabbed them and a smaller girl got in.

She was maybe 5'1", long black hair tied back into a pony tail. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt with a flannel wrapped around her waist.

The girl gave a small smile and pressed to go up to the 3rd floor.

The elevator got to the 2nd floor and Tiffany gave the girl one last look and got off.

"208...208" the girl said as she went down the hallway. She eventually found it and knocked on the door. Rushed footsteps could be heard inside, getting closer to the door when it suddenly opened and Tiffany was engulfed in a tight hug.

"Okay okay Jess I can't breathe" Tiffany laughed as she hugged the older girl back.

Jessica showed Tiffany around her apartment. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen and balcony that has an amazing view of the entire city.

"Nice apartment" Tiffany said while taking it all in. She wasn't used to living in such a place. She was used to sharing a room with her brother and sister her whole life, but here she has her own room that even sound proof. There's an extra room and two bathrooms (why Jessica needed two bathrooms Tiffany didn't know).

"Thanks Tiff" Jessica chuckled at Tiffany's expression.

Tiffany went to her room and lied down on her bed. She went through Instagram and Twitter. Liking a few posts here and there. She looked at the time. 11:58pm it read. Tiffany had already been there for a day and she hadn't gotten anything done. She just watched movies with Jessica all day.

Tiffany woke up at around 2 am due to knocking at the door. She got up and she saw Jessica standing at the door holding a bat. They looked at each other and Tiffany grabbed the door handle.

Jessica stood directly behind her ready to swing if things went to shit. "Ready...3...2...1" and Tiffany swung the door open. There stood the girl from the elevator looking terrified as she saw the scene in front of her. One girl was holding a baseball bat looking like she was ready to kill someone and another holding up her fists ready to knock someone out

"Uh I wanted to come ask for....sugar" the black haired girl said.

"For fuck sakes Kim Taeyeon it's 2am what do you need sugar for?" Jessica whisper yelled.

"I need it for my coffee" The girl ,Taeyeon, said.

"Coffee?! Taeyeon it's 2 o'clock in the fucking morning why are you drinking coffee go to bed!" Jessica glared.

Tiffany just stood there confused at the two girls arguing. Jessica has a point why was she drinking coffee at 2am. This is the time for precious sleep not for drinking coffee.

"I'm playing video games, so please I beg you to give me sugar I'll pay you for it and everything" Taeyeon said, walking into the apartment.

Grabbing the sugar Taeyeon just simply left the apartment and that was that. It was so casual too.

"What the fuck?" Tiffany looked at Jessica. All she did was shrug and go back into her bedroom like this was all normal.

Standing around for a few minutes half asleep and confused Tiffany eventually went back into her room and fell asleep.

Sorry is this was like bad lmao. It's my first fanfic.

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