Mary-eww look at Carrie,she looks like she could eat a horse she is so dirty
Shantell-yasss girl she look like a ten pounds of bounce that ass
Everyone laughing😂😂
Carrie-(runs in the bathroom and cry)
In the classroom
Carrie is writing an essay on her life while people is making fun of her she just goes crazy and scream and says
Carrie-I'm tired of this shit fuck these mother fuckin teachers they don't do shit for me all they do is say we need to start a bullying program bitch no fu...
Teacher snaps her out of her thoughts
Askes her if she needs to step out of the classroom
Carries -no im ok thank you
Teacher -(whisper) eww she looks like a big ass rat,
Carrie-runs out the classroom (crying)
Principal-excuse me no running in the hallway ,sorry come to my office we need to talk😐
Principal-yes umm some students have been reporting to me that you are the one drawing on the stalls and doing bad reports about our teacher
Carrie-no sir I-I would never do that
Principal-ohhh don't act so innocent,you know you did it your not misses pearly mc perfect
Carrie-I would never do such a thing why are people always taunting me(she screams)
Carrie and her changes
Short StoryCarrie- black mixed with portarican Carrie-green eyes Carrie-light skin Carrie-short Carrie-long black hair Carrie-shy but not for long mushhhhhhhhh