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I swear i have like nothing good to wear, and i own a clothing line for gods sake.

I was looking through my closet, Harrys taking me out to dinner tonight since he has to go tomorrow afternoon to the airport. It's going to be a horrible night..knowing its the last time we will see eachother in a long time.

I ended up picking a long black dress with plain black heels and just some rings and necklaces. Nothing too fancy. We both know that we're not going to be in the best of moods.

I head over to my dresser, and warm up the straighteners. But before I straighten my hair, I apply some light powder on my cheeks with a hint of peach powder to give my cheeks a little colour.

I do my eyelashes and eyeshadow, and then I'm onto my hair.

I'm debating whether or not I should get it's so long, but I like the colour of it. It irritates me at times, like so much. But my mum said that my hat is my best it?

I snap out of my thoughts by the beeping sound from my straighteners, which tell me that they've finished heating up.

I do each layer of my hair slowly, before pulling it behind my hair carefully. I've been doing this recently now, i think it suits me well.

I nod at approval of myself before switching off the straightners. I pull my chair back, but at that moment, i felt a strong and sudden kick side me.

'OW!' i knelt down to my side, holding my stomach tight.

Harry comes storming up the stairs, and bangs open my bedroom door. He see's me laying on the floor and starts the panic so much.

"K-ken whats wrong.." He rubs my back, helping me stand up. Gosh i was so shaky.

"T-the babies just kicked.." I felt a tear hold itself at the back of my eyes. I just felt my babies kick. They are no longer a fetus, they are growing to become fully developed children. I look up to see a tear rolling down harrys cheek. I rub is off him, and grab his right hand.

I slowly and quietly, place is on my stomach, where i felt the babies kick. I carefully held it there for a good couple of minutes, before Harry had this huge grin appear on his face. They kicked again.

I could tell what the doctors mean now. My body was is perfect shape, a little too perfect. I have spent my life on salad and exercise. I guess having babies growing in me and kicking, is new to my body.If that was just a little kick, the ones they bring in a couple of weeks is going to be hell, i can tell.

I pull my hands carefully around Harry's neck, and fiddle around with his curls. His beautiful green eyes link with mine, and i just deeply stare into them. I love this young man, and i trust him with my entire life.

"I love you Harry. Dont ever forget that. You and the kids are now my life." I roughly pull his head down, giving him a fearce kiss. I nip at his bottem lip at the same time, which caused him to gasp and moan. I smiled into the kiss, which i could tell turned Harry on.

I pull back, bringing my tounge out of his mouth. We link foreheads, before he grabs my hands and links them together. I guess it's time to go.

I smile at myself, knowing how lucky I am to have such a perfect human in my life, who loves me for me and would risk his life just to see me smile.

I take one step at a time down the stairs, holding onto my stomach and the other on Harry's hand.

Ever since the doctor told me that I could faint at random times, I've took things much more slowly and carefully. I'm more aware of my surroundings.

Harry has noticed me being more cautious, so he understands if I'm late to meet him or I take my time with some things.

I grab my purse that's on the side, before joining harry who is fixing his hair in the mirror by the door.

He notices me coming through and quickly opens the door for me. I laugh quietly before giving him a peck on the lips and making my way to the car.

Obviously outside there are paparazzi everywhere. They all keep shouting a load of bullshit. But one of them got my attention almost immediately.

'Kendall have you gotten fatter?'

'Someone needs a diet'

I fling open the car door, and hop inside to meet a very pissed off harry all of a sudden. He doesn't start the engine, he just keeps his eyes dead forward.

"Harry what's wrong?" My voice shakes a bit, but his face soon calms down. Which relaxs me.

"Didn't you hear that pap? When are we telling them? Because I'm sick of them calling you fat." I look over to see he's dead serious. I know..I don't like being called fat either. But if I say I'm pregnant, then that's goin to cause caos everywhere.

"I am fat harry. I've for two children inside. But, well tell them when you're next down? Okay?" I laugh and put a smile on my face.

He seemed convinced, and nodded before smiling back. He starts up the engine and reverses back. I don't care if he hits a few paps on the way out, they deserve it.

Deep down I didn't want to tell anyone. This is just going to put a lot of hate on me..great.

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