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there is a boy who loves me

waiting for me out there

i know it

a boy who loves me

for who i am

for what i've done

for what he can feel i can and will do

not for the idea of me

not for what i can do for him

but for what i can do.

one day

some way


he will look at me

and by chance

i will look at him

and he will smile

he will feel everything at once

at such a rapid pace that it will feel like


but a quick burst of energy

and adrenaline

that somehow changed his lips

and pointed them upward.

i will smile back

and feel the same


then we will laugh

in our own quiet,

little way

that doesn't attract attention,

because though we seem like two complete strangers,

he and i will know

some way


that we're much,

much more.

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