Eliza's POV

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Eliza's POV.
It all started in high school. As I was walking to my class, he was standing in front of the door. His long, wavy hair was tied up in a ponytail and was flowing in the breeze. When he said hi, I forgot my dang name. (#Reference). "Hello?" I was starstruck. "My name is Eliza Schuyler." I said nervously. I was about to say, "I like you", but my sister Peggy grabbed my arm and dragged me away. Now I'm in my room and all I can think about is his eyes and lovely hair in the breeze. I am too busy in the boy's world, filled with birds singing and breezy winds.  "Eliza..." I hear my sister Angelica say, but I am not sure where. I am too busy to listen at the moment. "Elizabeth Schuyler!" Angelica shouts in my ear, disturbing my thoughts. "Can't you see I'm busy?!" I shout back. "Busy doing what!? Staring into space?" Angelica snaps. "No.... Something.... urm....different!" I stutter foolishly. She is going to know what is going on soon. Then my sister Peggy bounces into my room. "Come on, guys! We need to get ready for the Halloween party! I'm serious!" It's hard to take my younger sister seriously at times. Not when she's slapped green face paint on her face and rips up her yellow dress to make herself look like Hulks daughter. #VERY HARD TO TAKE PEGGY SERIOUSLY.

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