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That's what my phone said as the phone light popped up, showing the picture of me and Timothy~ my new boyfriend. That was the 100th time I'd checked my phone in the last 5 minutes, 1 minute to go till Timothy meets me. I don't know why I came early, he's rarely ever on time. Typical. He'll be late for his own flipping funeral. But I guess I put up with him because I love him and he may notbe perfect but he is to me. My parents don't approve of him. And when I say parents I mean my Dad and his new Mistress~ Selia. My Mum is in New York at the moment, some buisiness thing~ or so she says. Mum says she's cool with me having a boyfrend that's slightly older than me. Dad IS NOT cool with it. Selia isn't either but to be honest I don't really care wether Dad or Selia is "cool" with me seeing Timothy. It's not their life, and I am 16, I can do what I want. At least I have 1 cool, carefree parent. I can't wait for Mum to meet Timothy when she eventually comes back from New York. I reckon she's just in New York to stay far away from Dad, I wish I could've gone with her. Dad is sosososososososo ANNOYING. At least I have Timothy, and my bestest mates in the whole wide world Kira, Kylie and Kara. Everyone cools us the Ks when we're togethers because all our names start with K. My name is Krystal. Mum says that I was named Krystal because on Mum and Dad's honeymoon they drank champagne out of crystal glasses, poured by the daughter of the owner of the resort that they were staying on, wo's name was Krystal and that she said that crystals are lucky, that's why she was named it~ so her parents could give her luck all the time, by her name. It's true the whole thing with the crystals. But Dad says that I was named crystal because, Mum craved crystalized fruits when she was pregnant with me. Both stories were true with the cravings and the girl named Krystal. I prefer the first story my Mum told. It's far far far more romantic......

That's when I glanced up to find my man (Timothy) walking towards me. The art of perfection. x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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