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John looked at Alex, his once lover now zombie. He had chained him to the wall as to make sure he stayed upright and from not biting him. While he loved the zombie he wasnt that crazy. John looked out the window and frowned.

"I'll bring you back my love. Any means neccessary I'll get you back."he said and grabbed his coat.

John walked over to the undead male and smiled. He lovingly looked up at the zombie in front of him. It made a noise that sounded close to his name before closing its eyes tiredly.

"We'll be together again. I promise."he said and walked away. John grabbed his cloak and walked out closing and locking the door.

Walking to the nearby town battling other zombies til he got into the town walls, John looked for potential people for his Fathers Experiment, CURE A113. Three sisters caught his eyes, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy Schyler. He knew they'd be perfect for it. They all looked relatively strong. Strong enough for him to use but weak enough that he would be able subdue them easily.

Now to think of the perfect plan. After some debate he figured out his story and approached them. He ran over and grabbed one of their hands. John hunched over gripping her hand gently.

"I need your help please. My friend hes stuck in the woods. He fell into a hole in my father's lab and I cant get to him please come help him!"he breathed out.

The girls looked at each other and 2 gentle hands landed on his shoulders. John looked up into the soft caring eyes of Eliza.

"Lead the way John."she said determined to help the young man. She had known John for a little while as Alex and her were close friends.

John led them outside the towns confines and headed towards his father's abandoned cure lab. He opened the doors and closed them after the sisters walked in. He closed and locked the doors. They looked at him and he shrugged.

"To make sure no Zombies get in while we go help my friend."he said and walked over to them.

Eliza looked at John. Her soft voice ringing out in the empty hall.
"Where did he fall John?" She asked.

John looked down "I'm not sure I heard the floor cave in though and him yell. Let's split up to find him. Angelica and I will go check my father's lab. You and Eliza go check down that hallway. It leads the my fathers old room." He said to Peggy.

Eliza and Peggy walked down the hall while Angelica and himself walked down the other towards his lab. He walked behind making the excuse as he was protecting her that if something were to happen he'd be able to help her better there. He directed her to the lab and she opened the door. They looked around before he made his move.

John walked over to a wall that had cuffs attached to it. He motioned for her to come over.

"This was my father's lab...I have no idea what he was planning but what ever it was..."he stopped and looked at her sadly. He looked at her from the corner of his eye and turned to walk away but grabbed her. Angelica yelled and struggled. John having a hard time keeping her silent and getting her into the cuffs, so grabbing a near by object he swung and hit her in the head effectively knocking her unconscious.

Picking her up he put her arms above her head and placed them in the cuffs locking each into place. He placed a mask over her mouth and nose before hearing running footsteps towards the door. He quickly hid and waited.

Eliza gasped and ran to get to Angelica; John jumped from his hiding spot. He had a bit easier time with Eliza as she was totally off guard and slammed her arms into the cuffs. He could hear a pair of footsteps running away. He looked back to the door and growled knowing one got away. He locked the cuffs and paced angrily.

"Dammit..."he hissed.

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