Rileys Tale on the Opposite Gender

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<pre style="line-height: 21.299999237060547px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">*5 Years later*

"Thank you for coming!" I smile happily at the teenager in front of me, passing her her book back. "Have a fabulous day!" She skips happily over to who i can only assume is her boyfriend and they link hands, walking away happily. I smile sadly after them. Oh dont get me wrong, im not moping. Ive dated since.. him. But it was never the same. So whats happened to Riley since youve last heard. I published a book, was in a music video and what was that minor thing, oh yeah, nearly died. Again. But you guys know me. Is that really any surprise? Ive travelled the world, seeing everything there is to be seen. It doesnt help your bank account, let me tell you. Im still wearing the same shirts i had 5 years ago. Good thing i havent grown. But dont worry. I have bought new underwear since. Not that i have anyone to show it to. Cos eww. Boys have coities right?

"Riley?" I pin another smile on my face, and look up, expecting another teenage girl. My smile slides slightly.

"M..mason?" I stammer slightly, as i look up at the boy. Well, cant call him a boy anymore, the man, who i said i wouldnt wait for. Turns out that was a lie eh? He runs a hand through his hair. 

"Y..yeah. I have something to ask" he says, almost equally as nervously. I nod, indicating him to go on. "Well, see, ive got this thing coming up.. and i kinda wondered if... if youre not to busy.. whether youd come?" I half smile kindly.

"What thing Mase" i murmur, so only the two of us can hear.

"I know this is kinda sudden, but i dont see the point in sugar coating anything. So umm, yeah. Will you come to my wedding" and with that, my heart cracks. My smile falls and my eyes turn dead. He looks puzzled at me as i stand slowly. 

"I..i have to go" i whisper, convinced i can actually hear my heart breaking as i run around the back of my meet and greet stand, before bursting into tears. I slide down the wall and bury my head in my knees as i break. I slam my hand repeatedly into the floor. "Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" My yells grow in volume. I am no longer thinking about how pathetic i am, but only the feeling of hurt and betrayal.

I don't know how long I've been here, before i feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Mason, his face a picture of shock. I bite my lip slightly as his eyes meet mine.

"I cant come Mase, im sorry" 

"Ummm Riley.." Mason bends down and sits beside me, looking slightly sheepish. "I was joking... i do want to marry someone, but i made her cry and now she probably wont even date me" my mouth drops open and i sit there, doing an amazing impression of a goldfish as he stares at me. Suddenly, my brain clicks into action again and i knock him to the floor, straddle his hips and start smacking him on the chest.

"You idiot!" I scream at him, hitting him repeatedly. "Was that really necessary." I stop hitting him and stare down at him and his barely changed face. Hes gazing up at me, his eyes slightly hooded.

"You know, in any other situation, this would be extremely hot" he smiles cheekily. An idea formulates in my mind and i smile slightly.

"Yeah? Well im about to make it hot" i lean down and press my lips to his, my hands either side of my head, pressing into the carpet. He immediately kisses me back, and i remember one reason it never worked with anyone else.

We lie there, making out for goodness knows how long before he breaks off and pushes me off so we are laid side by side, grinning at each other. Mason holds in a laugh as he brings himself to say.

"So, hows the weather?"


Yeah, this is my one-shot. I know its kinda rubbish, but i enjoyed writting it. I believe, personally, this is the best ending. It displays Riley as the skittle we all know (Hard exterior, soft interior) and Mason as the serious, but fun loving clumbsy puppy not everyone, but many people love so much!

So this is it from me people!!

Becky over and out

B xx</pre>

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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