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Baby crying, Mom looked up to Dad and smiled.

"Coo. Here's our beautiful baby girl. See. She's our little princess." Dad says.

Mom wiped her tears away as she opened her arms to holds her newborn daughter for the first time.

"Ida." Mom stated.

"What?" All Dad could asked.

"Ida. She's Ida. Like our princess. Princess Ida. Just sounds so perfect." She replied.

"Ida Elizabeth Smith." He agreed.

-Five years later-

There are many children running around outside of a cozy cabin centre in mountain and forests surrounded just few hours outside, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. There are light pink banner that says 'Happy 5th Birthday, Princess Ida!' In purple letters.

Someone shouted, "Everyone, come here the cake for her royal highness the Princess Ida!"

"Sherry & Ida, look at me! Say cheese!" Dad shouts as Mom bends down a little with the cake in front of her and Ida smiles for the camera.

Mom begun, "Okay everyone are dying to know what would you like to do when you're grown up beside being princess?" She asked Ida before making a wish to blow the candles, that's the new tradition they started since Ida's first birthday.

Little Ida politely answered, "Travel. To see the world and volunteer abroad to helping many people. I wanna to make them feel happy."

Everyone aww as Sherry proudly aware that her daughter is going to be the strong female many people have ever met.

Ida added, "And I'm still want to be a princess."

-17 years later-

There are a beautiful architecture building of University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. There also have the long line of graduates in gown and cap getting ready to getting into the building for their graduation ceremony. The view gotten closer and closer into beautiful wooden doors that held open, there are an audience watching patiently for each graduate to get on the stage to receive their diploma.

"Kris! Look at Ida over there." Sherry said.

Kris smiled when he spotted Ida in a line near the stage.

"Ida Elizabeth Smith" Head stated.

Ida walking up on the stage to get the diploma and shake.

"Congratulations you're officially UofBC Alumni!"

Ida screamed happily as she got off the stage with a diploma in her hand.

"Here's our lovely graduate!" Kris proudly stated when they met Ida after the graduation ceremony.

"We're very proud of you!" As Sherry hugged Ida tightly.

"Oh right then here's she off to other country to avoid us." Kris said sarcastically.

"Dad! You know this is big dream of mine. I'm gonna do it before I got caught into the job with heavy chains attached to my ankle. I'm gonna do a year break by living in England while traveling to other countries in UK." Ida completely confirmed what she'll doing right after graduated.

"I'm sure that our daughter will be fine as long as she sticks in UK for the rest of year." Sherry reassured Kris.

Ida smiled and took a last selfie before she hop off on the airport's bus transport on way to the airport.

There are a picture of a lady in her 50s with short brown hair smiled with a young lady in graduation gown and cap with curl dark brown hair down over shoulders and a guy in his 50s, light grey hair smiled. Ida stared the picture that she took with her parents a few hours ago while waiting for the airplane to take off.

-London, England-

Many beautiful architecture buildings surrounded, there are a palace with long black iron fenced with knights standing still while guarding the palace, there are also large public library with thousands and thousands of books.

There are a young lady in her late 20s with long dark red straight hair waves as I noticed her, the face that reminded me to my fun year at UofBC, that lady is my best friend.

"Hi Ida Lizzie! I'm so happy to be reunited at last!" The lady spoke in strong English accent.

She loves to refer her as Ida Lizzie because she prefer to refer her by her nickname no matter how hard her first name to have any nickname attached to it. So she decided on Ida's middle name as nickname so she can refer Ida by those names. Typically Louisa.

"Heyyy Lou! I misses you very much!" I replied as I hugged her tightly.

I always refer her as Lou short for Louisa.

I met Louisa through classes at UofBC she took as part of her university exchange experience two years ago. She and myself became best friends and we would spend our breakfasts at several local cafe in Vancouver. When I was thinking about taking a year break after graduating from the university, she quickly recommended her home-country, England to me, there are zero chance of turning down the lifetime offer.

"I'm going to take you to our place firstly then we could going to whatever you would like to." Louisa told me.

"Sounds good!" I agreed.

Author's note: Do you guys are interested to read a little background story on Louisa about her growing up in England? Please comment below. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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