Chapter 1

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Pamela's POV

"Good morning Mrs Anderson, how was your weekend"? I asked my boss with a broad smile on my face. Mrs Anderson owns a small coffee shop which I work at.

"Very fine Pamela, how is your mother"? She asked with a toothy grin, Mrs Anderson doesn't know that my mother died when I was born, so I had to tell her that she is alive so she wont put all of her worries on me.

I smiled at her. "She's fine,thanks for asking". I replied at wiped a table for the next customer. Mrs Anderson smiles at me before going into the backroom, while I arranged the chairs. The small bell attached to the door suddenly chimed signalling that we have a customer, the first customer.

Men in black suits and thick black glasses soon entered the shop, I noticed a particular black haired man, I narrowed my eyes at him and realization hit me. It was the president.

What is he doing here?

They took a seat at the last table near the window while I cleaned my navy blue uniform and arranged my messed up blonde hair, I heaved a long sigh, gulped hard and walked to the Presidents table." Good morning sir, what may I help you with"? I asked him and he looked at me through his dark glasses, he turned to the blond man that sat next to him and whispered something in his ear before looking down at his table.

The blond man smiled at me before speaking." We would like two chicken sandwiches and a cup of espresso please". He said while I wrote it on my small jotter.

"Anything else"? I asked the man and he shook his head before dismissing me with a wave of his hand, before I got their orders I rushed to the backroom to tell my boss the news. "Guess what boss"? I asked grinning like a toddler.

She gave ma a questioning look making the wrinkles on her face pop out." What is it?" She asked eagerly.

"The President is here, in your shop". I bursted out but she just shrugged,maybe she doesn't believe me. "I'm serious Mrs Anderson".

"I never said you weren't serious its just that I don't really care". She said dryly. I really don't know whats wrong with Mrs Anderson for the past days she has been distant and sad, maybe depressed?

Not wanting to push the subject I nodded and went into the kitchen. I made a cup of espresso and two chicken sandwiches making sure to take my time,then I put them on a plate and went to the Presidents table, I smiled widely and placed the items on the table. The President smiled briefly before dismissing me.

I watched him as he took a bite out of his sandwich and also a sip out if his espresso and then spat it out. Alarmed, I rushed over to him and began wiping the stain off his suit." I'm so sorry sir,was the espresso too hot"? I asked with full concern.

He scoffed quietly. "No! That is the WORST espresso I have ever had, and the sandwich is horrible,the chicken is stale. Overall, the food here is just so STUPID". He paused and I felt really sad, he may close this shop down, its the only place I get my money from. ". You know what Jason"? He asked the blond man. "Close this shop down, I don't need people to be eating at a place where the food is stale". He ordered and he called the other men before they all left. My mind was in havoc, what should I do? I cant let him close down this shop. I have to do something and I have to do it quick.

Come to think about it, he is the only one who has complained about the food!


I ran out of the store and saw him when he was about entering his limousine, I quickly grabbed him by his forearm and felt him tense under my touch. He turned around and raised a questionable brow at me. "Sir please you cant close it down, I promise that I'll make the food better". I pleaded but he shook his head ,my heart sank.

"I'm sorry miss". He paused at looked at the name tag before he continued. "Miss Pamela, but I cant have a restaurant in the state that people eat stale food and get sick and then die! He shouted angrily before he pulled away from my grip and entered his limousine, I felt tears trail down my cheeks before I began to sniffle , I wiped the tears off and walked into the shop to tell my boss the sad news.

The tears became worse when I saw Mrs Anderson's lifeless body sprawled out on the floor,my heart ached at the sight, I knew something was up with her, she had always been so edgy.

I didn't know she wanted to die. Beside her was a container full with pills, I picked it up and read the expiry date.   


Oh my God! How long did she have these, it expired 52 years ago! There was no way they could pump out all those drugs and save her life.

She was dead.

And gone.


I ran a trembling hand through my hair and reached for the office phone to call the paramedics, after I had spoken to them and given them the address,I placed the phone back in its place and settled down on a long chair, I pressed my knees to my chest as the tears flowed out of my eyes. Mrs Anderson was the only motherly figure that I had in my life, I have no mother because she died when I was born, my dad left the minute he heard that my mother was in labour and my elder sister, well she's enjoying her life somewhere in Washington.

I eventually slept with a lot on my mind.  


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