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Dylan O'Brien ✔️

Happy New Year! #DylmasTakesOver2019

Happy New Year! #DylmasTakesOver2019

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01/01/2019, 00:05
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"I look terrible! It looks like I have a piercing!"

The blonde exclaimed scanning the picture his husband has posted on Twitter. The brunette rolled his eyes as he tighten his grip on the older boy, whilst they sat on the sofa with Comet cuddled next to them.

"You look beautiful,"

He said kissing Thomas's forehead and patting the puppy's head.

"But still!"

Dylan shook his head putting his phone away and pushing the other boy down onto the sofa. The brunette swung his arm around Thomas's waist and cuddled him from the back. Thomas chuckled hugging Comet as he cuddled to the blondes chest.

"Happy new year my love,"

"Happy new year Dyl,"

And just like that they fell asleep wrapped in each other's arm, if you asked them, it was a great start of the year.


Cute little chapter for you peeps! :)
P.s I'm gonna skip a lot of days now! So we can get quicker to the twins birth!

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