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"I don't understand why she keeps fighting with me I mean I did nothing to her" Alex complains

"Jane help me!" He yelps

"Did you feed her on the date?" I ask him

"I asked her if she wanted to eat and she said she wasn't hungry so I bought myself a cookie" he answers

"Did you share the cookie with her?" I ask him

"She said she wasn't hungry" he argues

"You just ate in front of her?" I ask again really wondering how this guys dream is going to Harvard. He can't even figure out a simple girl issue.

"Yes I did"

"You didn't even ask her if she wanted some?" I ask again really wanting for him to understand the reason why his girlfriend is so pissed at him.


"Dumbass" I mumble

" I heard that," he says annoyed

"That's the point dumbass"

"So why was she mad?" He asks

I'm just going to answer his question before he gives me a heart attack.

"I don't think she was hungry Alex she just didn't want you to spend your money on her and the least you could have done is given her a piece of your cookie," I say storming out of his bedroom door

"Where are you going?" He asks

"Home I have to finish an essay for tomorrow" I answer

"Should Ian and I come over with pizza and emotional support?" He asks

"Sure I'll text you when I'm home and then you can come"

"You don't have to I can just track you on find my friends," he says and I laugh

"Why do we even have that piece of shit?" I ask

"So that you can pick me up if I ever get hitched" he answers and I laugh.
Man, I've got the weirdest best friend.

I'm in my car jamming to some Cardi B when I get a text. I stop at a red light and read what it says.

Dad: Hello to my favorite daughter 

Me: You only have one

Dad: There is this new student coming in and I was wondering if you would like to be his peer buddy
Me: Peer buddy?

Dad: Show him around and help him get accustomed to the school and the people there 

Me: Why me

Dad: You get along so well with boys so I thought you would be the perfect fit

Me: Ok sure I'll talk to you about it at home

My dad is the principal and this is the first time that he ever asks me to be someone's peer buddy. I honestly don't know what that even is I guess I'll find out on Monday.

I hear a beep behind me I forgot that I'm in a car. Crap The last thing I want to do is cause an accident. I look up and notice that the light is green I press on the gas and speed of into the distance.

My mom is an interior designer a very successful one might I add and my dad is the principal/ owner of the school I go to. I live in Melbourne and my house is huge. I'm not spoiled or anything but you could say that my parents are loaded.

I pull up to the driveway of my house and step out of the car. My parents aren't here yet hence the empty parking spaces.

I open the front door and I'm greeted by my super cute dog. He's a German Shepherd and his name is Teddy. He's amazing I pet him and he follows me into my room.

My first crush as a TomboyWhere stories live. Discover now