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Nervous, confused or out of place.

I can't explain what I am feeling right now. Sitting on this chair alone while watching my classmates talked to their friends, and here I am waiting for our teacher to burst on that door and hear him or her rant about the things we need to accomplished before the day ends. I am a transferred student from a private school to this awfully forsaken school in a small province. This is my third time transferring schools because of my Dad's work schedules as a businessman. I don't mind transferring schools but this place is just so plain and boring. First, because it's like a diminutive kind of school and seems like all of the students here knows each other, secondly, when I entered the information office the information officer already knows my name followed by four of my schoolmates who greeted me with my full name when I passed the hallway while looking for my classroom and when I finally found it all of the chatterings stopped and followed by stares and whisperings which is totally mean and rude, like they overdo it on purpose. Ugh! I hated it. I am on my third year in high school and everyone else seems to have their own group of friends- which is worst!
I looked at my phone and checked the time, 8:28 and the teacher hasn't come yet, we should be starting 28 minutes earlier.

I was startled when this girl speak to me

"Hi" she greeted me and smiled

"Um, hello" I answered back and smiled

"Akia Clark right?" she addresses me with my full name- way to go girl

"Ummm yeah, but you can call me Aki" I nod and she laughed

"Hmmm, so Aki... Do you have a mirror? I forgot mine and I think there's something on my eye" She asks and I hesitated for a moment because I don't have one

"Hmmm, pressed powder mirror?" I remembered and offer her

"Well, it will do. Can I borrow it for a second, I don't like running on the hallway to the bathroom thinking that I smeared my mascara or something " she laughed

"It's okay, here" I looked it on my bag and gave her when I found it

She checked her eyes and smiled at the mirror. She fixed it a little and got out the fallen eyelashes that got stuck on the corner of her left eye

"Here you go, did it ruin my mascara?" She asked me and I get a little closer and had a good look on her left eye and I said no it perfectly looks good

"Thanks, girl. By the way I am Ellen and you can call me El. I guess we could be friends from now on" she hugged me and smiled, she looked sincere on her offer and I hope that this goes well.


After our last subject Ellen offered me to join her table with her friends. I didn't refused her offer since I don't have other friends to spend my lunch with.

She introduced me to two of her friends which both hugged me and welcomed me to their group. First is Glenda a cheerful girl with a fair brown skin and long straight black hair, and the second one is Jenny a loud talking lady with a perfectly curved eyebrows and a blonde hair. They both looked kind and fun to be with. I stared at Ellen and she looked sweet and sincere she had a black hair in big waves and a fair skin and a pouty lips. While here I am, with my brownish semi-jungled hair and untrimmed eyebrows and with my undeniably big lips with my matching ripped jeans, converse shoes and  with my black shirt. Wow, I can't be compared with these three fine looking girls.

I didn't notice the pair of 3 eyes looking at me wondering why I keep on exhaling and shaking my head.

"What are you thinking about?" Ellen asked me

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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