Take it easy - Akainu

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“Sir, please, calm down!” A marine grunt begged. “Get the FUCK out of my way!” Akainu screamed down the hall, tossing a desk across the room, making a loud crash. You sit in his office, pouring yourself a drink and one for him as well, before sitting down at his desk, waiting for him to arrive. You sip and swirl your drink a bit as you heard his rage in the other room. He would soon enter after about a half hour of his tantrum. You watched as he walked in a slammed the door behind him, “I take it the meeting didn’t go so well?” You hum, swirling around your drink. He glares at you sharply and scoffs, “what the FUCK do YOU know WOMAN?!” You hum and nod, “yup. It didn’t go so well.” He growls and slammed his hands on the desk by your sides, giving you an icy glare with teeth gritted. You look up at him and offer him, his drink, “take it easy big guy. Have a drink.” He growls and swipes the drink from your grasp, chugging it down swiftly, letting some fall from the corners of his mouth before wiping what spilled out away, “you do realize I’m going to fuck your brains out when we get home right?” You giggle and nod, “maybe this time you’ll actually make me cum,” you tease. He grunts and gets right up in your face, pressing his nose and forehead aggressively against yours, “don’t test me woman.” You giggle and peck his lips, “okay, I promise I’ll be a good little girl.” He huffs and pulls away, setting his drink down, “that’s what I like to hear.”

Take it easy - Akainu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now