Chapter 1

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 Cayna walked down the street, looking at the light reddish ground beneath her. She remembered strolling this exact route several years beforehand, but it somehow couldn't cease fascinating her. It could seem simple or common, but after you had the chance to discover it's secrets for more than two years, it started seeming Yes, that was the word she was searching for. Open. The road, her usual path, now seemed more open to different possibilities. Of course, her life seemed to constantly make little changes to itself. Well, maybe life sometimes went overboard, but what is wrong with a little adventure? First, she only ever saw this road because her parents moved. She couldn't blame them, of course, they lived a far easier life now.

 'Watch it!'. She was kidnapped from her thoughts as she tripped. Curse her shoes for being so loose. The owner of the voice was suddenly holding her arm, trying to stabilize both her and Cayna. "Curse it!" Cayna thought as she realized she skipped a fragment of time again. She needed to stop doing that. The owner of the voice had the audacity to snap her out of it again, and the world focused back in.

 'I'm sorry! Did I hurt you? Oh, did I make that sound again? I swear I didn't direct anything I randomly said to anyone! I do that sometimes...' she blurted out without a second's pause to catch her breath. "Ha!" she thought. "I must have already scared her off!". She looked up, as to make eye contact and apologize, but the girl that she seemingly bumped into got there first.

 'Slow down there! Umm... It's ok, no but you bumped into me and nearly broke your nose, please be more careful and... what was that last question again?'

 Cayna looked at her for a moment, thanking whatever deities were up there for her brain not respecting the rules and flow of time. Even if it could be annoying sometimes, it really gave her the opportunity to take things in. The girl had short blonde hair but the tips were a light blue. It looked fluffy, and she thought that she would ruffle it if she ever had the chance, just to check her theories. She had quite a good bone structure and her eyes seemed sea-green. Her lips were a pale pinkish blue and she had a fair complexion. She could almost be associated to an anime character, but Cayna was afraid she was falling behind on her anime. She seemed like a Lyra, or maybe an Iris... no, definitely an Iris. She needed to check on that, too. She quickly checked her complexion, but her saviour seemed to be looking her over too, so she still had time. She was wearing a pastel blue sweatshirt that had a print of a "confidently confidential" red stamp on the left part near her shoulder and black jeans. Ok, now it was time to check her renown "Theory List & Notes". Well, renown in her head, anyway.

1. Iris had fluffy hair. (this seemed reasonable)
2. Iris' name was... well, Iris. (at least it should be)
3. Iris preferred comfy clothes and was an introvert. (this is a fresh one)

 She could easily get number two out of the way, and there might be hope to check the other two of her list as well!

 'Hi! You can call me Cayna! I'm sorry for bumping into you, I must have been stolen by my mind. It seems to happen quite often nowadays! I was heading to Kalson Highschool!' she introduced herself, not too quickly this time, as for Iris to catch what she said, but fast enough as to not be interrupted.

 'Umm..hi! My name is Iris -' Cayna produced a bearly audible victory puff at this '- and I was heading to Kalson too. I don't think we've met before, I just transferred from the Highschool four blocks away, just on the left. I need to take these papers to the principal and get my timetable and locker code before classes start, tho seeing you I guess I'm late. Would you mind helping me out?' Iris whispered all too quietly. This was to be noticed about Iris, she was quite the quiet person. That would already check off half of Cayna's third theory.

 'Sure thing! As for being late, not to worry, I arrive exactly an hour before school starts, along with the staff and teachers. I like the peaceful time and it gives me the opportunity to read!' she exclaimed quietly, doing her best to not scare nor derange Iris. Cayna loved that about herself. She was a good noticer and it was not difficult for her to adapt to someone's comfortability and tone of voice. She could easily manipulate her voice. Tho she could adapt sides of her act, she still had an energetic aura that, even when gentle, could drag a mountain to the sea with the smallest bit of effort.

 She clasped her hand around Iris' wrist and inched her to the shortcut through the park, and while heading towards the school buildings, Cayna found the perfect colour to associate with Iris: Light blue.

--Author's Note--

 Hey buzz-bees! This is the Introducing chapter to my new book, Light blue and copper red. I got inspired to write this book because of Pride Month and wanted to put something from me out there. English is not my first language so feel free to offer constructive criticism and signal phrases used incorrectly. I am a night owl and only use a quick spellcheck software to walk through my writing so if there are any mistakes in the storyline or names (ex. Kason Highschool instead of Kalson highschool // bright blue instead of light blue) signal it.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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