'The car crash'

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Hayley's P.O.V
I said goodbye and put my camera down. Joe was sat next to me whilst driving. I had just ended my vlog and was ready to start editing it. We were sat in joe's car on the way up to Brighton to stay with Zoe and Alfie for a week. I looked out the window and watched the heavy rain pour down my windscreen. Then I suddenly remembered. "Hey joe did you take in the washing like I asked?" Joes face concentrated for a second before his face turned glum. I sighed. "For you forgot again?!" I angrily asked. "Sorry I forgot to! It's not my fault" joe replied. "Well it is because I do all the work around the house and I ask you to do one single thing 4 times and you still forget!" I shouted. "Hold on a second you do all the work?!!" Joe shouted and turned to me. "Yeah I do. And the least you could do is to a simple task like take the washing out but no you can't even do that." We got so worked up and we're to busy screaming at each other that we didn't see the ongoing light of a truck coming in front of us. Then suddenly "JOE WATCH OUT!!" I screamed. Joe turned his head to the road but couldn't swerve in time. "HAYLEY" joe screamed. And I watched him chuck his arm out in front of me before it all went black.

••••••••A couple of minutes later••••••••••••••••

My eyes flickered open and I was immediately hit with a wave of pain. I tired to scream but my voice cracked and my tears that I had just noticed that were pouring down my cheeks made my scream muffle and croak. My body was experiencing pain that I didn't know existed. I looked around and realise that we were upside down. Joe's car had been chucked off a hill side and was at the bottom in woods. Blood was rushing to my head as I was hanging upside down in my seat. My seatbelt was the only thing that was keeping me from falling. But then I realised that my seatbelt had been cut with the front window that's was shattered. Then my face become horrified. A massive shard of glass was lodged into my stomach and was indebted in the seat behind me. I looked over at joe for help but he was passed out. I looked up at his head which was dripping blood. "Joe!" I croaked.  I lost my breath and started to choke.

Joe's P.O.V
I woke up to a ringing in my ears. I groaned and remembered what happened. I grabbed my head and looked at my hand. It was covered in blood. I must of hit my head hard. My face and arms were covered in cuts where glass was indented in them. Then I remembered Hayley. I quickly glanced over at  her to see her choking in pain. I looked down and a huge shard of glass bigger than my arm was shoved into her stomach. "HAYLEY" I screamed. I tried to get my seat belt off but it was stuck. I punched the roof under me in frustration. Blood slowly was rushing to my head. Tears started to pour down my cheeks along with the blood as I tried my best to undo my seat belt to help the love of my life. I looked up to see blood dripping onto the roof. As I felt my head once again. A small shard of glass was lodged in my head. Then I had a quick idea. With all the strength I could I pulled the glass out of my head and screamed with pain. I swung my arm around and the glass cut my seat belt and I feel down onto the roof. "Shit" I croaked. Feeling small shards of glass enter my skin. I crawled over to Hayley and grabbed her head and turned it so she want loosing blood. "Hayley" I cried. Blood-mixed tears dropped from my cheeks and onto the roof under me. "J..oe" Hayley croaked. Crying with pain. "It's ok Hayley your going to be ok I've got you. Your ok" there was a pause were I was holding her in my arms and she was Staring at me. Then suddenly, the car started to rock. Then tip. It wasn't until the car started to creak that I realised the car was on the edge of a cliff and was about to fall off it. I panicked as I realised we had to get out of the car. But Hayley was stuck with a massive shard of glass in her stomach and it was pushed all the way through to the other side of the car seat. "Hayley we've got to move. I've got to get the glass out of you. Your going to be ok. Just stay with me." I was speaking about a million words a second as I put all my strength into positioning myself to get ready to pull the glass out. I know your never meant to take the object out of the wound but if I don't she will die falling of a cliff. "Hayley this is going  to hurt" as I said that I pulled the glass out with all my strength. Hayley screamed in pain. And I felt my hands get cut deeply as I chucked the glass away. Yet again the car began to creak and tip. I crawled out and pulled Hayley out. As soon as I did, the car tipped all the way and fell. I heard it's deafening sound as it hit the rocks below and the explosion that followed. I fell down and Hayley's head was in my lap. She was crying. I wiped her tears away and quickly took off my hoodie and placed it over her stomach. "I'm so sorry Hayley for everything I didn't mean to fight with you. I love you so much stay with me please Hayley. Open your eyes. Hayley please." Tears were pouring again and I started to shake. Cuts and blood were all over our faces and she looked at me. Between wimpers she slowly grabbed my face and managed to whisper. "I... lo..ve you" I cried even more and said "no Hayley you don't get to say goodbye. Your going to get through this and we will get married and have children and grow old." She managed to make a tiny smile. Ne-naw ne-naw ne-naw. I suddenly heard police cars and ambulances in the distance. "Hear that Hayley. There coming. Your going to be ok!" I looked down and Hayley had her eyes closed. "Hayley?" I asked. "HAYLEY!!" I shouted shaking her. "NOOOO" I screamed and cried. "HELP!! SOMEONE HELP MEEE" I screamed and cried. I looked up to see police officers and paramedics running down the hill and then they took Hayley away from me...

Hey guys thankyouuuu for reading my first chapter. I hope you enjoyed and chapter 2 soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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