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(tap,tap) "my mom wakes me for my first day of secondary school."

Get up Trent!! you have school. "She said to me as she anxiously wakes me for my first day". The only day I hated and to let you guys know this was a sad day for everyone in my home.

The guy I considered my own father had passed away a week before I had to go to my secondary school for the first time... No he wasn't my step dad he was my neighbor for eight(8) years and he always guided me even though I did wrongs to him he wouldn't give up on me.

Following from that. The same day was his funeral and I didn't want to go to school but I can't stay home because of my " STRICT MOM".

My first day came my mom took me.... Note I didn't like the new school at first.

My mom "she was friendly at that time". She met a lady that day that had a child in my same class and they were talking and not asking both children whether they wanted to sit together they jus placed us together.

OK guys! So its like a regular first day and to think I thought my mom would stay until break lol she didn't. The boy and I began to speak to each other.

Is your mom always like this? He asked. Ummm I guess.. I said nervously. 

Mine too! He said as we both laughed.

The names Nick " he said as he stretched his hands for a shake".
Trent ' I then said as we shake hand.

As lunch came we both went to the canteen where is mom was. "She was a calm an caring person".

Hi boys!! as she hugged Nick.

How is your first day going so far? She asked.
Its fine ' we both say to her'.

She both me a snack even though I had my lunch. She acted like my grandmother " God bless her soul".

Yes guys! I had lost my grandmother and she was sort of like Nick's mom caring, loving and all of the above and more.

As tears build up in my eyes I quickly dried them not letting Nick nor his mom seeing.

We both finished lunch and head back to class.

As the day flew by our classes were over so we he'd to catch a bus to head to the park to get home.

I was already used to catching the bus since I used to have to do it a lot when I had to go lesson in primary school but Nick on the other hand wasn't because he lived in a area where is primary school was and not that he had to catch bus to come straight to town to get to school is a new thing for him. But the bus drivers knew him very well since his family was well known in the area.

Later "T". He says as he heads in his bus to go home. Later Nick I say as I leave him and head home myself.

First day was a blast I made my first friend and I spoke to some of my old friends from primary school because they got the same secondary school as me.

OK guys so this is the end of chapter 1. I know what you guys may be thinking " how can Trent be a thug... But jus wait the story has jus begun"
Leave your comments to tell me what you think about it.

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