It was like a paradise. Aside from the chasm and rope bridge. The fleece obviously did its work well.
"When we take the fleece will-?"
"Everything will fade" I said "back to what it used to be"
I scanned the island when something caught my eye. A lifeboat.
"Percy look" I pointed
"Could-" he stopped
He was thinking about Tyson. Could he have survived. I doubted it.
We went ashore. And surprisingly we found the fleece after five minutes.
"This is too easy" I muttered
Percy started forward.
"Wait" I said
He stopped
One of the sheep jumped at him.
"Gah" he jumped back
"Yeah man eating sheep" I said "that's fun"
"Now what" he asked
"I could use my hat" I said
"No anything could go wrong" he said "we can't risk it"
"Fine" I said "let's find Grover and we'll go from there"
We came to the conclusion that the cave was probably across the chasm. And we were right.
"You're a feisty one" a deep voice bellowed
"Challenge me" Clarisse shouted
Bellow is stood a giant Cyclopes we were right above the entrance to the cave. Inside Clarisse hung upside down. I saw Grover in a wedding dress.
"Eat girl now" Polyphemus asked "or wait until wedding what does my bride think?" he looked at Grover
"Oh" Grover said "I'm not hungry right now perhaps-"
"Did you say bride?" Clarisse asked "who- Grover?"
"Shut up" I muttered "she has to shut up"
"What 'Grover'?" Polyphemus frowned
"The satyr." Clarisse said
"Oh" Grover bleated "her brain must be boiling pull her down dear"
"Satyrs good eating you bring me satyr?" He asked
"No you big oaf the on in the wedding dress." Clarisse bellowed
"Your no lady Cyclopes!" Polyphemus bellowed in grovers direction.
"Don't eat me raw" Grover yelped as Polyphemus pulled off the wedding dress. "I have a good recipe"
"Recipe" he asked
"Yes I'll taste good slowly grilled over a fire with mango chutney. You should get mangos now in the woods"
"Grilled satyr with mango chutney" he mumbled he looked at Clarisse "you a satyr too?"
"No you pile of dung" Clarisse yelled "I'm a daughter of ares untie me so I can rip your arms off."
"You got spunk" Polyphemus said "I have to graze sheep. Wedding postponed until tonight the we eat satyr for the main course"
"You still getting married who?"
"Oh no" clarisse realized "I'm not-"
Polyphemus grabbed Grover and Clarisse and threw them into the back of the cave.
He whistled and goats and sheep flooded out of the cave. When the last one left he rolled the boulder in the way of the entrance.
"Mangos" he muttered "what are mangos?"We attempted to push the boulder away. When that didn't work we tried to blow it up. When that didn't work we gave up. Percy slashed his sword across the rock shooting up sparks.
"Trickery" I said "we'll beat him using trickery."
"Okay what trick?" Percy asked sarcasm laced in his voice but I was completely serious.
"I don't know yet" I frowned
"You try to figure it out seaweed brain!" I said "Polyphemus will have to move the rock to let the sheep in"
"At sunset." Percy said "then he'll marry Clarisse and eat Grover"
"I could get in invisibly" I said
"What about me?" He asked
"The sheep" I said I smiled slyly "how much do you like sheep?""Don't let go" I said I was right next to him invisible.
He had wedged his feet on the sheep's upper Thighs and made handles out of the wool.
The sun was going down. When Polyphemus called
"Oi sheepies goaties"
All of them lumbered forward. I saw Percy swaying and I prayed to the gods he wouldn't fall.
The sheep he was on stopped.
"I'll eat you soon fatty." Polyphemus said and he hit the sheep on its rump sending it forward. The last finally passed and just before he walked in I yelled.
"Hey ugly!"
"Who said that?" He asked defensively
"Nobody" I yelled
He looked angry his face was red.
"Nobody! I remember you!" He yelled
"You're too stupid to remember anybody much less nobody" I said
I skittered away from the spot I was at. Just as Polyphemus yelled and grabbed the closest boulder. His door. And threw it to where I was just standing.
One of the pieces flew off and hit my hand. Luckily it didn't bleed.
"You haven't learned to throw either!" I yelled
"Come out so I can kill nobody" he bellowed
"You couldn't kill anyone especially me!" Okay that one was weaker
Another boulder flew at me. I rolled.
"Where did you go nobody?" He asked after I was silent.
I prayed Percy had Grover and Clarisse.
A boulder flew at me and I dodged unfortunately i rammed into his leg. He picked me up. I swung into the air he held me by my feet.
"I caught nobody" he said proudly
I saw Percy Clarisse and Grover just about to get out. He shook me and my hat fell off.
"Put her down" Percy yelled
I felt blood running down my face and I realized I must've got cut by a rock.
Good news he dropped me bad news he held me by my feet.
I shot my grapple right before everything went dark.
The Paladin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book 2
FanfictionAfter an argument with her stepmom Annabeth Chase runs off again only to meet Barbra Gordon who she realizes is hiding something. Soon Annabeth is pulled into something almost as crazy as being a demigod. Book two of the Olympian Heroes I do not own...