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People fight. Monsters kill. Demons burn. That was what the young servant boy Matthew was taught since his first breathe.

"Papa?" Matthew had asked one morning, as his father, Chef Francis, was preparing dinner meals for the Royal family.

"Oui, my boy?" Francis had said back to the little boy swinging his legs on a stool.

"If monsters kill, then does that make knights monsters?" Matthew asked. Francis shook his head.

"No. That's not quite it." Francis paused for a moment. "They're Angels. Angels are creatures who kill to protect those who they love." Francis answered. Matthew sat there, still a little confused.

"Papa? If the people who fight for us are Angels, wouldn't that mean that the other kingdoms are Angels too? Because they fight for what they believe in?" Matthew asked once more. Francis shook his head.

"No. No, we have Angels, the others, they have Monsters and Demons." Francis scoffed. Matthew was silent for a moment. The six year old adjusting to his new knowledge.

"Papa...?" Matthew asked, this time, more quietly. Francis nodded, allowing him to speak.

"Was Mama a Demon? Because she was burned?" Francis snapped to his son, placing his hands on the boy's shoulders.

"Non. No, you're mother was far more superior than any Angel that lives on this world. Your mother was a Goddess. A Goddess of kindness, beauty, and peace. Never think of your mother as a Demon." Francis shook his son a tad bit. Matthew, out of fear, nodded. Matthew knew that his father was a religious man, and maybe a little crazy, but, he always told the truth. Matthew took Francis's words to heart.

A few years later, the youngest daughter of the King, Natalya, has come to age of to own her own personal servant. Her servant would have to be about her age, eight, and already part of the Royal Servants. After a while of deciding and choosing, Natalya had decided to choose the Chef's son, Matthew, to be her new servant.

"Do you, Francis Bonnefoy, allow your son, Matthew Bonnefoy, to be Princess Natalya's hand servant?" The King of the Kingdom of Vanya asked the Head Chef of his kitchen, who was kneeling in front of the throne, next to his son, of the King of Vanya. Francis smiled.

"Yes. I give permission for my son, Matthew Bonnefoy, to become the hand servant to Princess Natalya." Francis continued to smile, as the two stood. If there was a person in that room who could read minds, they would have stopped the ceremony, due to Francis's smile being anything but jolly with pride. It was jolly with destruction. Matthew, however, was facing the youngest Princess. He got on one knee, and kissed her hand.

"It is my honour, to serve you." It was a ritual between a servant and a master. Matthew had been taught it by his father, when the Choosing had been happening. Just in case Matthew had been chosen. And he had been. The Princess stared down at the young boy below her. She had chosen him, not just because he could cook, or because he spoke another language, but because she felt the need to trust him. She felt safe whenever she was around him. That was why she chose the young Chef's son.

"You may stand." The Princess announced the boy. He stood and faced her. She smiled. "It will be an honour to have you has my servant, Matthew Bonnefoy." The boy smiled at the Princess, and she, smiled at the boy.

A year had passed, and it seemed as though the two children became inseparable. Matthew was always seen with the Princess, and the Princess was always seen with Matthew. They talked about everything, they shared almost everything, they had developed a friendship of a common type. It was common in their land for a servant to grow a bond with their master, and the master with their servant. A conversation still leaks between the two children, a conversation now written in the grandess texts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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