Wish i was her boyfriend

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<<as jungkook get's up, he suddenly remembers that in two weeks, his crush will turn 16( Jungkook is 17 years old, he just turned 17 last month) he excitedly he gets up and takes a shower. He rushes down to eat breakfast when he meets his 5year old brother, jae sun,>>

Jae sun: hey hyung 😊
Jungkook: hey little one☺️
Jae sun: so...have you asked Y/N out yet? I wanna meet her
Jungkook: I haven't asked her yet😔
Jae sun: don't worry kook, she'll say yes🙃
Jungkook:thank you champ, well I gotta go, bye
Jae sun: bye
<< Jungkook rushes to school as fast as he can, no he is not late, school starts at 7:55, he just rushe because he knows you're the first one there. Jungkook gets to school, and goes to his locker and sets him self up>>
Jungkook: ok kook, so Y/N will be here in...30 seconds, just act as if you don't- oh she's here!!
<<he sees you walking down in your school uniform, suddenly she notices some staring at her so she looks up from her phone and looks at the direction of the person. She sees Jungkook, she smiles and waves at Jungkook.>>
Jungkook: *dont be rude kook, smile and wave*
<<he smiles and waves. Out of sudden you blush and become shy>>
Jungkook:* wait, did she just...become shy??*
???: hyung!
<<you see your annoying hyung said walking up to you, while Y/N's friends get close to her>>
???:hey kook
Jungkook: hey Jin
Jin: so...what's up?
<<Jungkook doesn't answer as he is looking at you >>
???: seriously hyung? When are you gonna...ASK HER OUT
<<Jungkook suddenly turns red as you are looking at him with your friends >>
Jungkook: shut up jimin!!
Jimin:well.. Go talk to her
Jungkook: not until time is ready
???: screw time, go to her
Jin: calm down, yoongi
<< jungkook sees you distancing from your friends as you're coming closer, at that time, the hyung so run away>>
Y/N: you needed me? *smile*
Jungkook: ....wow even up close you're still perfect*he said in a mumble tone, or so he though*
Y/N: haha, thank you...um?
Jungkook: oh, my name is jungkook, I'm in your 1st,2nd,4th,6th,7th and homeroom
Y/N:really? Wow, well um...jungkook? Can I call you kookie?
jungkook: ...sure*bunny smile*
<<the school hallways get filled with more students>>
Jungkook: well, I'll see you around I guess...
Y/N: silly, we have almost all the classes together.  plus, we got first period together
Jungkook: oh...um, you wanna walk together?
Y/N: sure
Jungkook:*point jungkook*

Wish I was her boyfriend  ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now