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You're standing around the pool table at The Grill, a pool stick clutched in your hand as you support your weight with it. The corners of your eyes crinkled as you laughed at Matt missing a very easy shot. You shook your head playfully just as your phone buzzed in your back pocket.

Automatically, you retrieved it and smiled as you saw your boyfriend's name displayed across the screen. You quickly open up your texts to respond as Bonnie takes her turn to shoot.

Stefan: Hey, how's it going?

You: Pretty good, other than Matt dragging me down in this pool tournament lol

You shot off quickly before focusing back in on the game. But, less than a second later another text came through.

Stefan: Can you meet me down in the town square?

Your eyebrows furrowed as you read the message. The message was very vague and in a town like Mystic Falls, there's no such thing as good vague.

You: Now? The game isn't even over yet...

At that moment, cheers erupt around you and you look quizzically at the pool table. Only yours and Matt's balls were left. Apparently, while you weren't paying attention Bonnie had sunk all of her team's balls and then the eight ball.

You: Never mind...Bonnie is secretly a pool shark lol I'll be right there 😘

You politely excuse yourself from the next round and begin the short walk to the town square. Meanwhile, Stefan paces back and forth on the sidewalk waiting for you to arrive. He'd been struggling with this for a while now, and after the latest big bad in Mystic Falls, he came to the conclusion that it was the best thing for you.

He stopped in his place as his eyes landed on your happy face walking toward him. After making eye contact, you wave. He slowly waves back, swallowing the lump in his throat. On your way over, a few kids ride by on their bikes and say 'hi' to you. Stefan watches as your face lights up at the brief interaction.

You finally reach him and throw your arms around him in a fierce hug. He circles his arms around you instinctively as you breathe in his scent contentedly. Stefan is the first to release his arms and it causes a slight uneasiness in you. He's always the last one to let go.

Sticking your hands in your pockets, you clear your throat to get rid of the brief awkwardness of it. "So, why'd you want me to come down here? You could've joined us at The Grill, ya know," you chuckle lightly.

"I just wanted to talk to you for a moment-" he says weirdly before you interrupt him.

"Is it important? I promised I'd get back after one round. Matty's got no chance without me," you giggle, not sensing the seriousness in the air.

Suddenly, Stefan sits on a bench and nods his head for you to do the same. You immediately follow; the upturn of your lips disappear into a straight line and worry is evident in the crease in between your brows.

"Is everything okay?" You question cautiously. He stays silent. "Stefan, you're scaring me a little..." you admit timidly.

He inhales deeply before huffing it out in a sigh. You notice that his eyes are trained on the sidewalk and the people passing by...and anywhere but you. "Y/n, there's no easy way to say this..."

"What happened?" You ask urgently as your mind wanders to the worst case scenarios. "Is Damon okay? Elena? Who died??"

He shakes his head, clearly struggling with delivering this news to you. To anyone else, it would've been obvious what kind of talk it was. But, it's not obvious to you. Why would it be? Everything was going great as far as you knew.

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