The Outbreak

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You and your brother are driving home from the store. You've been running errands all day, and you're both exhausted. "Into You" by Ariana Grande starts playing on the radio. You start to hum along. Tyler (your brother) stares at you like you're some kind of lunatic. 

"And what kind of sister did I raise to be listening to this kind of music?!", he asks in a serious, yet sarcastic voice. "Um excuse me, you say that like Ariana is terrible! I am not saying I'm a huge fan, but you have to admit her voice is amazing," you reply. He stares at you like if he were a little kid and you'd just smacked his ice cream out of his hand. "Yeah, you are definitely going to listen to Panic! At The Disco's new album when we get home. You need to be edumacated on what real music is," he says as he laughs and pats your shoulder. You laugh with him. You love your brother. He's always been there for you. Even when you came out to your parents he was there through it all, right by your side. "Love you troll," you laugh at the nickname you gave him years ago. "Love you too twerp," he replies with your childhood nickname as he rubs your head. 

He stops at a red light (duh), and he switches the radio off. "Okay. Let's play some I Spy!", he says, while sounding like a child. "Oh you're on," you say in a much more serious, and might I add, mature voice. "I spy something grey," he starts the game off. You look around and see nothing grey. Actually, there isn't really much of anything. The streets are empty, and the light stays at red for too long. "Oh! I know! That homeless man's shirt!", you scream. "oUcH," Tyler covers his ears. "You bEtTuR sTaWp", he imitates a vine. You can't help but crack up. "You was right though," he laughs. You turn and see that the homeless man is walking towards the car. "Huh. I wonder if he wants money?" you ask. "We all do Y/N, we all do," he giggles a bit, but then rolls the window down to give the man some change. He passes you the change and you stick your hand out to give it to the man. "Here you go sir!" you say as you smile at him. His head is kind of hanging there, but he looks up, and you see blood all over his mouth, and- is that a piece of skin?!

He screams and grabs your arm. You scream, "Tyler!!". Tyler jumps out of the car and grabs his baseball bat from the trunk. He runs up to the man. "Let go of my sister you son of a b*tch!", he yells, and he swing the bat at the man, knocking him out cold. He runs up to you and checks your arm. "Are you okay?!", he asks, while checking for injuries anywhere. "I'm fine Tyler I'm ok-", you're interrupted by a groan. You and Tyler both turn around and see the man got up. "How in the hell-?", Tyler begins, but is attacked by the man. "Y/N! Run!," he screams at you, but you cannot leave your brother. You open the door and instead of running, you grab the bat. You think about every single stupid zombie you've seen. This can't be happening. You freeze. Then you look at your brother. His life is in danger. You unfreeze. "Hey a*shole!", you scream. The man turns around. "Get off my brother.", you say, and you swing the bat at his head, blood spattering all over your shirt. 

Tyler looks up at you. "What the hell was that?!", he screams. You catch your breath. "That, my brother, was a zombie."

Thought I'd make a new story besides my supernatural one. I really hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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