Chapter 1: How it all started

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 It was mid-summer when Kassy decided to throw a party at our house, which I was never going to ever be happy about. I was relaxing in the late July heat when he rolled the keg out back. Our parents had gone away on a four-day visit to our grandparent's house because mom's dad was sick, and apparently, Kassy thought it would be perfect to have a booze-filled get together.

"You know mom and dad would kill you if they found out," I called at him, as he and his friend Matt rolled the second keg in.

"Who said they'd find out?" Kassy replied with his ever so annoying smile.

"Why do you have to have the party here?" I asked, whining slightly. I knew I sounded pathetic, but I didn't care. don't get me wrong, I like to party sometimes, but today I just wasn't feeling it.

"Come on, you'll have fun you'll see," Kassy said back, still smiling like a goofy clown.

Kassy walked around the corner of the house to get some ice and a small kiddy pool to put the kegs in, and Matt strutted confidently over to me.

"Hey, maybe you and I can have some fun together?" He said in a douchebag-but-not-really voice. 

"Ha ha, maybe not, I think I'll pass on that one..." I replied back, looking away and blushing sloghtly. 

I had known Matt since junior kindergarten, and nothing against him, but I saw him as a bit more of a brother. I had a crush on him in the third grade, but when I saw him holding hands with Maddie Ashton, I felt my heartbreak and I've never been able to feel the same way about him again. so what if he might have a thing for me now? Unless something drastically changed, I wasn't really feeling it.

"Oh no no, I didn't mean like that, no. I meant like hang out, like friends," he corrected himself, and I knew this should've made it less awkward, but it made it more. It also made my heart sink deep inside my chest.

"Oh okay then, that'd be cool I guess," I said and shrugged. I heard his soft footprints in the grass moving away seconds later.

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Hours later, the party was I full boom, and just as Kassy had promised, I was having fun. Matt and I hung out for a while, mostly just sitting around on the lawn and talking and laughing like friends do. As a twin, most of the friends that Kassy or I had, we shared. 

"Hey, do you maybe want to go somewhere more private? I kinda want to tell you something really important," Matt said these words quietly while the party was finally starting to simmer out. It was maybe 23:30. 

"Uhhh, you know, I think I'm going to go talk to Kassy, but I'll find you later," I walked away, too quickly maybe. So I had been right, he did see me that way. 

after wandering around for fifteen minutes or so, I finally found Kassy. He was standing around with a girl and just talking to her, so I figured something was going on and I turned to walk away, but he saw me before I could get out of sight.

"Eddie! Hey, Eddie! Over here!" He called after me. I hated when he called me Eddie for two reasons, one it was an awful name, and two he only ever called me that when he was drunk.

"Maybe it's time you stop drinking and have a nap or something," I said to him, looking at the girl who he was with. I knew I gave her a bit of a side-eye, but I didn't really care all that much.

"Who are you looking at crapsack?" she snapped at me, which I wasn't expected, and by the scent on her breath, she was also pretty sober, which was another thing that I wasn't expecting.

"Not much by the look of it,"I snapped back at her. Why did Kassy always have to pick the bitchy girls?

"Whoa whoa whoa there girls, slow down. Marrisa this is my sister Edna," he motioned to me, "and Edna this is my best friend Marrisa," he motioned back at her, and my heart jumped a little in my chest.

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